What gangs are in Santa Ana California?

In Santa Ana, the Lopers and Walnut Street gangs are responsible for some of last year’s 18 gang homicides, police said. Police won’t put a number on how many of the deaths were the work of those two gangs.

Does Orange County have gangs?

In Orange County, there are more than 13,000 documented gang members. Minors are exposed to criminal street gangs as young as 8 years old.

Who is the chief of police in Santa Ana?

Chief David Valentin
Santa Ana Police Chief David Valentin issued a video statement this week attempting to discredit Knock LA’s reporting on gang activity by the Major Enforcement Team (MET) in the Santa Ana Police Department.

How many officers are in Santa Ana?

Santa Ana Police Department is comprised of more than 300 officers and over 200 civilian employees. The department currently has 50 fully funded sworn officer vacancies and numerous civilian vacancies.

Are there gangs in Anaheim?

Another well known and violent street gang in West Anaheim is the Anaheim F.O.L.K.S. (family of Latin kings surenos). This gang claims the area on Knott avenue and Ariel Pl their neighborhood along with Neighbors Avenue further east. This gang has many rivals including both the Devious Hoodlums and the La Colonia gang.

What gangs are in Costa Mesa?

Gangs in the general Costa Mesa, California area are:

  • The Nazi Lowriders (NLR 949), the original chapter of the neo-white supremacist peckerwood street gang in the Costa Mesa area.
  • The Public Enemy No.
  • The West Coast Costa Mesa Skinheads, a neo-white supremacist peckerwood gang in the Costa Mesa, California area.

What gangs are in Anaheim California?

Are there gangs in the army?

About one to two percent of United States Armed Forces members are estimated to belong to criminal gangs in the United States, a much higher proportion than in the civilian population.

How many police officers are in Orange County?

Orange County Sheriff’s Department (California)

Orange County Sheriff’s Department
Deputies 1,460
Civilian employees 1,446
Agency executive Don Barnes, Sheriff

How many gangs are in Santa Ana?

Although much of the violence has been in southeastern Santa Ana, few areas of the city have been immune. Authorities estimate that as many as 10 of the city’s 30 to 35 gangs have been involved.

How many gangs are there in Anaheim?

The study by the city’s Gang/Drug Citizen Advisory Committee revealed that Anaheim has become home to more than 35 individual gangs involving about 700 members, or seven times the number that roamed the streets in the early 1980s.

Does Huntington Beach have gangs?

Central County Gangs in the general Huntington Beach, California area are: The Huntington Beach Skinheads / HB Skinheads (HB’s / H.B.’s), a neo-white supremacist peckerwood gang in the region. Notable affiliates of the group include Major League Baseball player Justin Sellers.