What should your VO2 max be while running?

Elite male runners have shown VO2 maxes of up to 85 mL/kg/min, and elite female runners have scored up to 77 mL/kg/min. A good VO2 max for a 25-year-old male is 42.5-46.4 mL/kg/min, while a good value for a 25-year-old female is 33.0-36.9 mL/kg/min.

What is the average runners VO2 max?

On average, that number is usually somewhere between 30 and 60, and for women who run, it’s usually between 45 and 60, whereas with men who run, it’s usually between 50 and 75. Then there are your elite athletes that sometimes have VO2 Maxes of upwards of 80.

Does VO2 max improve with running?

You can train your Vo2 max most efficiently by working at a high intensity. Many running coaches recommend training at around 90 to 95 percent of your maximum heart rate. Working near your max heart rate helps strengthen the muscles in your heart and increase the volume of blood it can pump with each beat.

Is VO2 max of 45 good?

A good VO2 max score for a 30-year-old man is 50-55 mL/kg/min, while a good score for a 30-year-old woman is 45-50 mL/kg/min.

What is a good cardio VO2 max?

What’s considered a ‘good’ VO₂ max?

Gender (18 to 45 years of age) Activity level Average VO₂ max
male active 42.5–46.4 mL/kg/min
female active 33.0–36.9 mL/kg/min
male highly active ≤ 85 mL/kg/min
female highly active ≤ 77 mL/kg/min

Is a VO2 max of 45 good?

What VO2 max Do athletes have?

VO2 max is regarded as one of the key determinants of endurance performance success. VO2 max values in an average adult are around 30-45 millilitres of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute. But in elite endurance athletes, VO2 max increases to 65-80 ml/kg/min.

How quickly does VO2 max improve?

VO2 max has been shown to plateau after three weeks of daily training. So the training stimulus needs to increase about every three weeks to improve VO2 max further. There doesn’t seem to be any further increase in VO2 max with more than about 70 to 75 miles per week, unless more intense training is added.

Does losing weight increase VO2 max?

Not necessarily. The researchers do further analysis to show that relative VO2max is actually inversely proportional to fat mass — that is, the more body fat you have, the lower your relative VO2max.