Is there a dictionary for Wordfeud?

Wordfeud has two game dictionaries for English players. You can use the TWL Scrabble dictionary (also known as the NASPA Word List, or NWL).

What letters are in Wordfeud?


Letter Count Points
O 7 1
P 2 4
Q 1 10
R 6 1

Is Wordfeud a Scrabble?

Parents need to know that Wordfeud is a Scrabble-style game, in the same vein as Words with Friends. The game has a similar 15-by-15 tile gameboard, letter tile set, and scoring mechanism to Scrabble, although there are subtle differences.

How can I play Wordfeud online?

How to Play Wordfeud

  1. Choose Your Opponent. This game has fans around the world.
  2. Choose Your Board. The game board has the standard DL, TL, DW and TW bonus spaces like a Scrabble board.
  3. Make the First Move.
  4. Use a Wordfeud Cheat.
  5. Build Strategically.
  6. Win the Game and Check Your Stats.

How many letters are in Wordfeud?

In wordfeud there is no name for this bag, so in this report we choose to call it game cache. There are 104 tiles in the game cache at the start of the game. As seen in Figure 2.3 there are 102 normal letter tiles and 2 wildcard (blank) tiles in the game.

Does Android have Wordfeud?

Wordfeud – multiplayer word game for iOS and Android.

Who owns Wordfeud?

Bertheussen IT
Wordfeud is a multiplayer mobile word game developed by HÃ¥kon Bertheussen in 2010….

Developer(s) Bertheussen IT
Platform(s) App Store Google Play
Release iOS: April 4, 2011 Android: November 10, 2011
Genre(s) Puzzle

How do I start Wordfeud?

Wordfeud Rules

  1. You have the choice between a Standard Board or a Random Board.
  2. Each player will be given 7 tiles to begin with, and should always refill their rack after each play until they have 7 tiles once more.
  3. The player who initiates the game makes the first move.