What is COD detector?

What is A COD Sensor? A cod sensor which could measure Chemical Oxygen Demand in water. Mainly use the principle of Ultraviolet Absorption.

What does a COD test measure?

COD is an indicative measure of the amount of oxygen that can be consumed by reactions in a measured solution. It is commonly expressed in mass of oxygen consumed over volume of solution, which in SI units is milligrams per liter (mg/L). A COD test can be used to easily quantify the amount of organics in water.

What causes a carbon monoxide detector to go off?

Your carbon monoxide alarm is going off for one of the following reasons: It is doing its job properly and detects CO pollution in the air. It is a false alarm caused by other household items. The detector is malfunctioning or the batteries need changing.

What is COD used for?

COD is a measure of the oxygen equivalent of the organic matter in a water sample that is susceptible to oxidation by a strong chemical oxidant. COD is widely used as a measure of the susceptibility to oxidation of the organic and inorganic materials present in water bodies and in the municipal and industrial wastes.

What happen if COD is high?

Higher COD levels mean a greater amount of oxidizable organic material in the sample, which will reduce dissolved oxygen (DO) levels. A reduction in DO can lead to anaerobic conditions, which is deleterious to higher aquatic life forms.

Why is COD important?

COD is a water quality measure used not only to determine the amount of biologically active substances such as bacteria but also biologically inactive organic matter in water [8]. It is an important and rapidly measured variable for characterizing water bodies, sewage, industrial wastes, and treatment plant effluents.

How can I tell if carbon monoxide is in my home?

Other possible clues of a carbon monoxide leak include:

  1. black, sooty marks on the front covers of gas fires.
  2. sooty or yellow/brown stains on or around boilers, stoves or fires.
  3. smoke building up in rooms because of a faulty flue.
  4. yellow instead of blue flames coming from gas appliances.
  5. pilot lights frequently blowing out.

Which is better BOD or COD?

COD is always higher than BOD because chemical oxidation is easier than biological oxidation.

Why is BOD done for 5 days?

BOD occurs in 2 general stages. While calculating the oxygen demand, the carbonaceous stage is taken into account. This stage is almost completed in 5 days, which means that most of the organic content of the sewage is oxidized under aerobic conditions in 5 days. Hence ,BOD for 5 days is calculated.