How long does the train take from Aberdeen to Inverness?

2 hours and 17 minutes
How long does the train from Aberdeen to Inverness take? The average journey time by train between Aberdeen and Inverness is 2 hours and 17 minutes, with around 25 trains per day.

How far is Aberdeen from Inverness?

105 miles
105 miles is a driving distance from Inverness to Aberdeen. The total driving time is 2 hours.

How long is the train journey from London to Inverness?

The average journey time by train between London and Inverness is 10 hours and 23 minutes, with around 4 trains per day.

Are trains running from Inverness to Aberdeen?

There are currently no Other Train Service Updates reported. There are currently no Train Formation Updates reported. Facilities on the 13:41 Aberdeen to Inverness due 16:07. Catering will now be provided as advertised….

Scheduled Expected Destination
15:47 15:47 Nairn
16:07 16:07 Inverness

How far north does the train go in Scotland?

Inverness to Thurso & Wick by rail. The far north of Scotland is home to unspoiled landscapes perfect for a relaxing break, but it’s still easy to get there by train. Trains run north from Inverness to Thurso and onto Wick in just four and a half hours.

Is Aberdeen near Edinburgh?

The distance between Aberdeen and Edinburgh is 93 miles. The road distance is 120.6 miles.

Is Aberdeen near Inverness?

The direct drive from Aberdeen to Inverness is 105 mi (169 km), and should have a drive time of 2 hrs 28 mins in normal traffic.

Is Aberdeen near London?

The city is 93 mi (150 km) northeast of Edinburgh and 398 mi (641 km) north of London, and is the northernmost major city in the United Kingdom. Aberdeen has a long, sandy coastline and features an oceanic climate, with cool summers and mild, rainy winters.

Are there showers on the Caledonian Sleeper?

Our Guest Lounges all have accessible shower and toilet facilities, while Caledonian Sleeper hosts will be on hand to serve drinks and snacks to guests ahead of and after their journey.

Are trains running between Aberdeen and Dundee?

There are currently no Other Train Service Updates reported. There are currently no Train Formation Updates reported. Facilities on the 13:13 Aberdeen to Edinburgh due 15:26….

Scheduled Expected Destination
15:57 15:57 Dundee
16:09 16:09 Leuchars
17:15 17:15 Haymarket
17:19 17:19 Edinburgh

Are there trains north of Inverness?

The Far North Line is a rural railway line entirely within the Highland area of Scotland, extending from Inverness to Thurso and Wick. As the name suggests, it is the northernmost railway in the United Kingdom.

What is the most northerly railway station in the world?

Karskaya station
Karskaya station, at the end of the extension of the Obskaya–Bovanenkovo Line, in Russia, is the most northerly railway station in the world. The line to Karskaya, a town inside the Arctic Circle known for natural gas extraction, was completed by Gasprom in February 2011.