What is a good name for a baby tiger?

The 10 Best Tiger Names

Tiger Names
Amber Jiba
Cosimia Rajah
Cuddles Rayas
Dave Ryker

What is the name of small tiger?

Baby Animal Names

Animal Baby Name
Tiger cub, whelp
Toad tadpole
Trout fry, fingerling
Turkey poult

What are famous tiger Names?

The Top 25 Tigers From Pop Culture, Ranked

  • LSU Tigers.
  • Tiger Shark, DC Comics.
  • Tawky Tawny.
  • Tigress, Kung Fu Panda.
  • Tiger Jackson.
  • Tiger King.
  • Shiva, The Walking Dead.
  • Tygra, ThunderCats.

What girl name means tiger?

Tora. A suitably sleek girl’s name based on the Japanese word for ‘tiger’.

What are other names for tiger?

Tiger synonyms

  • tigress. A woman regarded as daring or fierce.
  • lynx.
  • panthera-tigris.
  • cat.
  • feline.
  • jaguar.
  • cheetah (related)
  • sabre-toothed (related)

What Zara means?

blooming flower
Zara is a girl’s name meaning “radiance.” The name Zara has multiple origins, but most notably it is a variation of Zahrah, a name derived from Arabic roots meaning “blooming flower.”

What are the names of Disney tigers?

Year of the Tiger: 5 Favorite Striped Disney Pals

  • Tigger (The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, 1977)
  • Rajah (Aladdin, 1992)
  • Shere Khan (The Jungle Book, 1967)
  • Tillie Tiger (Elmer Elephant, 1936)
  • Chandu (Tokyo Disney Resort)

What Japanese name means tiger?

The meaning of Tora is “tiger.”

What does the name Ari mean?

Ari is a given name in Old Norse, Icelandic, Faroese, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish and means eagle or is the pet form of the names starting with Arn- or Old Norse ari “eagle”.

What word goes with tiger?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
feiger 100 Noun
Geiger 100 Name
Giger 100 Name
Gyger 100 Name

What word means tiger like?

A person regarded as aggressive, audacious, or fierce. [Middle English tigre, from Old English tigras, tigers, and from Old French tigre, both from Latin tigris, from Greek, of Iranian origin; see steig- in Indo-European roots.] ti′ger·ish adj.

What Zendaya means?

to give thanks
The name Zendaya is girl’s name of African origin meaning “to give thanks”.