How do I get my dog to calm down when I come home?

Here are five ways to change your best friend from being constantly over-excited into a calmer and happier canine.

  1. Don’t Encourage Excited Behavior.
  2. Encourage Calm Behavior.
  3. Wear Your Dog Out (and Possibly Yourself!)
  4. Provide Outlets.
  5. Keep Yourself Calm.

Why is my dog overly excited when I come home?

Due to the amount of interaction they have with us when around, it is likely your dog gets bored when you’re not there. This is why they may be so excited when you come home as it is more likely they will get a walk or engage in some other stimulating activity.

How do I stop my dog from going crazy when I come home?

Many owners lavish their dogs with affection and attention right before you leave home and immediately when you walk in the door. Unfortunately, this can contribute to your dog’s anxiety. To prevent this, the best thing you can do is to ignore your dog before you leave and for several minutes after your return.

How do you calm down an over-excited dog?

8 Tips For Calming Down an Excited Dog

  1. Lack of Attention Can Lead to Excited Behavior.
  2. Try Detox Training to Prevent Overexcitement on a Leash.
  3. Use Exercise to Calm an Overexcited Dog.
  4. Mental Stimulation Regulates Impulse Control.
  5. Learn Your Dog’s Body Language.
  6. Use Positive Reinforcement for Good Behavior.

Should you ignore your dog when you come home?

When you first arrive home, ignore your dog completely. This means you do not look at them, do not speak to them, do not pet them. For some pups, even telling them “no,” pushing them off, or asking for a Sit right away is rewarding for them, because they are still getting attention from you!

What age does a dog start to calm down?

Most dogs are going to start calming down at around six to nine months of age. By the time they’ve reached full maturity, which is between one and two years of age, all that excessive puppy energy should be a thing of the past! Of course, every dog is different.

Should I give my dog attention when I get home?

Approaching you and wagging its tail when you come home. Saying “It’s great to see you, too, Elsa,” followed by petting or a hug gives your dog the attention and love it missed while you were away. Sitting with you in your office while you work or “helping” as you prepare dinner.

Should you say bye to your dog when you leave?

So if ignoring him doesn’t feel right, don’t worry about it, says Todd. “It seems that it’s perfectly okay to pet your dog before you go out if that’s what you want to do.” If you suspect your dog might suffer from separation anxiety, talk to your veterinarian.

Which dog breeds are the most needy?

Top 11 Dog Breeds That Are Extra Clingy

  • #1 Vizsla. Known as the ultimate Velcro dog, this Hungarian breed is literally attached to their owner, and is happiest when right by your side.
  • #2 Labrador Retriever.
  • #4 Maltese.
  • #5 Golden Retriever.
  • #6 German Shepherd.
  • #7 Pug.
  • #8 Shetland Sheepdog.
  • #9 Italian Greyhound.