How do you get all the answers right on ZipGrade?

Press the name of the quiz to go to the quiz detail screen. Press “Edit Key” Press “i” (Apple) or “>” (Android) to the right of the question that should have more than one correct answer.

How do you make a ZipGrade answer sheet?

How do I create custom answer sheets?

  1. First use the Custom Answer Sheet Wizard to create an answer sheet if you have not done so.
  2. You may print out blank answer sheets from the master list on the custom sheet wizard.
  3. Within the ZipGrade mobile app, select to create a new quiz.

How do I scan with ZipGrade?

Scanning and Reviewing Student Sheets in ZipGrade

  1. Step 1 – Navigate to the Quiz you Wish to Grade. Go to the quiz tab inside the application.
  2. Step 2 – Click the “Scan Papers” Button.
  3. Step 3 – Align Four Corner Squares. *Note: Once the scanning is complete, do not scan again.
  4. Step 4 – See Student Grade Confirmation.

How do I use ZipGrade online?

Login to from your desktop browser. On the ‘My Account’ screen, find the panel named ‘Student Portal’ If the portal is not enabled, press the button labeled ‘Enable Student Portal’

How do I make an answer sheet?

Make Your Own Answer Sheet Form using Word Processing

  1. Open a new Word Processing document.
  2. Adjust the margins.
  3. Enter “Name:”
  4. Set the first tab.
  5. Set a new tab about 1/2 inch to the right by clicking on the ruler once.
  6. Enter “Date” or “Section” as you desire.
  7. Return 2 times.

What are the features of ZipGrade?

Flexible Answer Sheets

  • Standard answer sheets in 20, 50, and 100 question sizes.
  • Custom Form Wizard allows bespoke answer sheets: number of questions, number of answers, and labels throughout.
  • Create answers for multiple choice, true/false, matching, and gridded-numeric entry.

What can ZipGrade track?

Student Papers Information While grading papers, the ZipGrade Mobile Apps will capture an image of the paper being graded and the resulting score. Teachers may optionally connect each paper with the student record for enriched reports; namely more complete exports and ability to report on student performance over time.

Why is my ZipGrade not working?

First, visit the Google Play app on your mobile device to make sure there are no pending updates for ZipGrade. 2. Restart your device: This will often solve any memory or blocked process related issues. Once powered off, press the sleep button to reboot your device.

Can students cheat on ZipGrade?

CAVEATS: Because we cannot verify the student, there is nothing stopping a student from entering bogus data in order to view the questions before taking a quiz for real. For the same reason, we cannot limit submissions since a mischievous student could enter another student’s name and/or ID number.