What is a normal Pancreastatin level?
What is a normal Pancreastatin level?
Recently plasma levels of PST have been used as a predictive marker for neuroendocrine tumors where PST is elevated (31, 34); in normal humans the plasma level is 20-80 pg/ml or about 4-20 pM (34, 42).
Is carcinoid tumor a death sentence?
Carcinoid syndrome is caused by a neuroendocrine (carcinoid) tumor, and that may lead to liver dysfunction and death in cases where the cancer has spread (metastasized). Still, this is a cancer that responds to treatment and even in advanced stages, the five-year survival rate is almost 70 percent.
Does high chromogranin A always mean cancer?
Chromogranin A as a prognostic factor Chromogranin A concentration can be used as an indirect predictor of cancer. There is a correlation between the staging of the disease and concentration of CgA. As mentioned above, higher CgA is observed for metastatic disease compared to localized disease [41].
Can neuroendocrine carcinoid tumors be cured?
Many neuroendocrine tumors can be successfully treated with surgery and chemotherapy, especially if the tumor is localized and has not spread to the lymph nodes or other organs in the body.
What does a high level of Pancreastatin mean?
Objectives: Serum pancreastatin is a sensitive and specific diagnostic biomarker in neuroendocrine tumors (NETs). Elevated pancreastatin levels are associated with worse progression-free survival and overall survival in small bowel and pancreatic NETs.
What are normal chromogranin A levels?
There is a normal level of Chromogranin A in the blood, and the range currently is less than 39ng/l.. Abnormal levels can vary form forty to the thousands. The sensitivity of the test for CgA is about 80%, this means that 80% of the time abnormal levels are correctly associated with disease.
What if Chromogranin is positive?
Adrenal system tumors that stain positive for chromogranin A include pheochromocytoma. Lung tumors include small cell cancer. Elevation in serum CgA correlates with the size, extension and the histopathology of the neuroendocrine tumors; it is usually higher in large, metastatic, and well-differentiated tumors.
What causes elevated Pancreastatin?
Levels of Pst are elevated in diabetes mellitus, and it may in part be responsible for development of the disease (see p 470).