What are the main points of the Data Protection Act 1998?

The Data Protection Act 1998 was an act of Parliament designed to protect personal data stored on computers or in organised paper filing systems. It enacted the EU Data Protection Directive, 1995’s provisions on the protection, processing and movement of personal data.

What are the three requirements of the Data Protection Act?

Data Protection Act principles Be obtained and processed fairly, lawfully and transparently. Be processed for specified explicit and lawful purposes and shall not be processed in any manner incompatible with these purposes. Be adequate, relevant and not excessive for those purposes.

What is the 7th principle of the Data Protection Act 1998?

7Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data.

What are the 8 provisions in the Data Protection Act?

What are the Eight Principles of the Data Protection Act?

1998 Act GDPR
Principle 2 – purposes Principle (b) – purpose limitation
Principle 3 – adequacy Principle (c) – data minimisation
Principle 4 – accuracy Principle (d) – accuracy
Principle 5 – retention Principle (e) – storage limitation

Why Is Data Protection Act 1998 important?

Why is the Data Protection Act important? The Data Protection Act is important because it provides guidance and best practice rules for organisations and the government to follow on how to use personal data including: Regulating the processing of personal data. Protecting the rights of the data subject.

What is the main purpose of the Data Protection Act?

What is the purpose of the Data Protection Act? The Act seeks to empower individuals to take control of their personal data and to support organisations with their lawful processing of personal data.

What are the main rules in the Data Protection Act?

What Are the Eight Principles of the Data Protection Act?

  • Fair and Lawful Use, Transparency. The principle of this first clause is simple.
  • Specific for Intended Purpose.
  • Minimum Data Requirement.
  • Need for Accuracy.
  • Data Retention Time Limit.
  • The right to be forgotten.
  • Ensuring Data Security.
  • Accountability.

What is exempt from the Data Protection Act?

Partial exemptions Some personal data has partial exemption from the rules of the DPA . The main examples of this are: The taxman or police do not have to disclose information held or processed to prevent crime or taxation fraud. Criminals cannot see their police files.

What are the 4 important principles of GDPR?

Lawfulness, fairness and transparency. Purpose limitation. Data minimisation. Accuracy.

What are the main aims of the Data Protection Act?

How does the Data Protection Act 1998 protect individuals?

The law. The Data Protection Act 1998 (‘the Act’) regulates how and when information relating to individuals may be obtained, used and disclosed. The Act also allows individuals access to personal data relating to them, to challenge misuse of it and to seek redress.

How does the Data Protection Act 1998 relate to safeguarding?

The Act allows all organisations to process data for safeguarding purposes lawfully and without consent where necessary for the purposes of: protecting an individual from neglect or physical and emotional harm; or. protecting the physical, mental or emotional wellbeing of an individual.
