What is the function of occlusal rest?
What is the function of occlusal rest?
The functions of an occlusal rest are: 1. To direct the forces of mastication parallel to the long axis of the abutment tooth. For this to be accomplished, the horizontal portion of the rest must be at right angles to the long axis of the abutment tooth or be inclined slightly toward the center of the tooth.
When do you use an Embrasure clasp?
Embrasure clasp This design is most frequently used in cases of unilateral edentulous span of an unmodified Kennedy Class II or Class III partial denture, on the side of the arch where there is no edentulous space.
What is canine rest?
A REST is any rigid part of an RPD framework which contacts a properly prepared surface of a tooth. A REST PREPARATION or REST SEAT is any portion of a tooth or restoration properly prepared to receive a rest.
What are indirect retainers in RPD?
An indirect retainer consists of a minor connector and a rest, and helps to stabilize the distal extension RPD, indirectly (compared to direct retention with clasps), when the patient eats sticky foods.
What is a lingual rest?
Lingual rests are placed on the lingual surface of canines and incisors. They are routinely placed on maxillary canines and incisors and in maxillary and mandibular surveyed crowns.
What is one advantage of a lingual rest?
Lingual rests are preferred to incisal rests because: (1) they do not show metal when viewed from the facial and are, therefore, more esthetic, (2) they are more cervical on the tooth and, therefore, closer to the fulcrum point and have a shorter lever arm and lower mechanical advantage in torquing the tooth and (3) …
What is Suprabulge clasp?
SUPRA BULGE CLASP A suprabulge clasp arm originates from a minor connector occlusal or incisor to the height of contour. The portion of clasp arm that arises from Page 3 Tikrit University College of Dentistry Lec-8- prosthetic 3rd class/Dr. Reem the minor connector is known as the shoulder.
What is indirect retainer in RPD?
What is Fulcrum line in RPD?
A fulcrum line is an imaginary line around which an RPD will tend to rotate. Fulcrum lines may be in the horizontal, frontal or vertical plane. Indirect retainers provide resistance to rotational movement of a distal extension RPD away from the denture bearing tissues around the retentive fulcrum line (Figure 2).