How do you make Scottish oat biscuits?

Add flour, baking soda, sugar and salt to a mixing bowl. Hand mix until blended. Add Scottish oats, melted butter and honey….Bake the biscuits:

  1. Hand roll the mixture into small balls.
  2. Place balls on a baking sheet.
  3. Press down on each ball with a fork.
  4. Bake at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

What are Scottish oatcakes made of?

The oatcakes are similar to a flatbread or biscuit. They are quick and easy to prepare and make a delicious snack or accompaniment to cheese. Traditionally, they are made in an oven or on a griddle. For some in Scotland, they replace toast as a breakfast staple….Ingredients.

Nutrition Facts (per serving)
5g Protein

Are Scottish oat cakes healthy?

Oatcakes also have a high mineral content especially manganese and phosphorous and are excellent for maintaining our energy levels. They also have a low glycaemic index which makes them helpful in managing blood glucose, especially if topped with a good quality protein/fat such as a nut butter.

Can you use Scottish oats in baking?

Scottish oats are wonderful for baking, as they are truly a more coarsely ground flour, like cornmeal.

What do you eat with oatcakes?

Two oatcakes topped with hummus, chopped cherry tomatoes and sliced roast turkey. Two oatcakes topped with sliced cucumber, tinned salmon and a squeeze of lemon. Two oatcakes topped with low fat crème fraiche, sliced strawberries and blackberries and fresh mint.

What do you put on top of oatcakes?

Oatcakes are a delicious and easy snack! You can top them with chutney and cheese, jam, peanut butter, banana, whatever you want! They’re also lovely with soup.

Are oatcakes good for losing weight?

The oatcake is seen as a low-energy dense food, which means it has lower calorie content when compared to its serving size. This means that oatcakes may help you feel fuller on less calories, which when eaten as part of a controlled diet may help you control your weight.

Are oatcakes better for you than bread?

Why? The oatcakes may look small, but they’re packed with slow-digesting, low-GI carbs, guaranteed to keep you full for hours – miles better than bread.

What is the difference between Scottish oats and regular oats?

Scottish oats are not rolled oats. Rolled oats are oat groats that have been steamed so that they don’t crack when put through the rolling mills. What is this? The rolling process flattens the oat groats to give more surface area, which helps reduce cooking time.

What is special about Scottish oats?

So what makes Scottish oats different from regular rolled oats? It’s not a different variety: rather, instead of being steamed and rolled like regular American oats, Scottish oats are slowly ground between two millstones, producing a smooth texture, more like a traditional porridge.

What tastes good on oatcakes?

My oatcakes toppings!

  • Apple & Blackberry.
  • Pesto & Goats Cheese.
  • Boiled Egg.
  • Cheese & Grape.
  • Raspberry Jam.
  • Avocado & Chilli Flakes.
  • Strawberry & Honey.
  • Smoked Salmon & Cream Cheese.