Where do you inject Clexane when pregnant?

Clexane should be injected just under the skin. Remember: Do not inject yourself within 5 centimetres of your belly button or around existing scars or bruises. Change the place where you inject between the left and right sides of your stomach; depending on the area you were last injected.

Can Clexane be given in the leg?

Direct subcutaneous injection should be given into a subcutaneous tissue skinfold of the abdomen or the upper-outer aspect of the thigh.

How is Clexane calculated?

The recommended dosage for treatment of established deep vein thrombosis with CLEXANE is 1.5 mg/kg body weight once daily (150 IU anti-Xa activity/kg body weight) or 1 mg/kg body weight (100 IU anti-Xa activity/kg bodyweight) twice daily subcutaneously.

Is enoxaparin SQ or IM?

Enoxaparin comes as an injection in a syringe to be injected just under the skin (subcutaneously) but not into your muscle. It is usually given twice a day.

Can Clexane be given in pregnancy?

It is important that the heparin injections (Clexane) are monitored when you are pregnant so your blood thinning is at the right level. This will make sure your blood is not too thin which can cause bleeding or not thin enough which can cause blood clots.

When do you start Clexane in pregnancy?

You’ll probably start taking your daily Clexane injections on your embryo transfer day, or from five days before. But your clinic might even start them on day 1 of your stimulating medication. 20 mg daily is common. Doses of 40 mg can be used, though not much higher.

Why is Clexane given during pregnancy?

Is there anything else I can do? It is important that the heparin injections (Clexane) are monitored when you are pregnant so your blood thinning is at the right level. This will make sure your blood is not too thin which can cause bleeding or not thin enough which can cause blood clots.

Can I give enoxaparin in the thigh?

Enoxaparin helps prevent unwanted blood clots or existing clots from getting bigger. It is given for as long as your child needs it. Enoxaparin can be injected into the thigh or upper arm (for infants older than four to six months). You will be given a prescription for the right size of syringes.

Is Clexane safe in pregnancy?

Clexanes thins the blood which dissolves the DVT (or prevents one from developing), stops it getting bigger and prevents it from moving to other parts of the body. Clexane is considered to be safe to use in pregnancy as it doesn’t cross the placenta so does not affect your baby.

Can Clexane be given IM?

Clexane Syringes should not be administered by the intramuscular route.

Can enoxaparin be given in the thigh?

Some medicines, such as insulin or the blood-thinner enoxaparin (Lovenox), are injected only under the skin. This type of shot is usually given in the belly or the thigh.

When is the best time to inject Clexane?

If you are taking Clexane once per day then, just like warfarin, take it in the same part of the day each time, ie. always in the morning, or always in the evening.