What is the service ceiling of a 747?

45,100 feet
Technical Specifications – Current Presidential Airplane (Boeing 747-200)

Crew 26 (passenger/crew capacity: 102)
Wing span 195 feet, 8 inches (59.64 m)
Length 231 feet, 10 inches (70.66 m)
Height 63 feet, 5 inches (19.33 m)
Service ceiling 45,100 feet (13.747 m)

What commercial plane has the highest service ceiling?

Question: What is the highest altitude an airplane can fly? Answer: The highest commercial airliner altitude was 60,000 feet by Concorde. The highest military air-breathing engine airplane was the SR-71 — about 90,000 feet.

How long can a 747 be in service?

about 30 years
On average, an aircraft is operable for about 30 years before it has to be retired. A Boeing 747 can endure about 35,000 pressurization cycles and flights—roughly 135,000 to 165,000 flight hours—before metal fatigue sets in. 747s are retired after approximately 27 years of service.

Are any MD-80 still in service?

The largest operator. According to data from ch-aviation.com, there are still nearly 100 active examples of the MD-80 family left in the world today. As is common with aging aircraft, some of these have been converted for use as freighters.

What is the cruising altitude of a 747?

Plane facts and figures

Aircraft type Speed in km/u* Altitude in ft*
Boeing 747 920 35,105
Boeing 737 850 35,000
Boeing 777 905 35,000
Boeing 787 Dreamliner 907 40,026

Why does a 747 have 5 engines?

The extra engine adds drag to one side of the plane. Consequently, pilots have to adjust the power on the other side to compensate. The special cargo meant that the aircraft was heavier and required additional stops.