What does broken bridge means in a dream?
What does broken bridge means in a dream?
Dreaming of crossing a broken or damaged bridge means that there is something that needs to be repaired in your waking life. Perhaps this has something to do with the way you talk to people, or your ability to connect with them.
What does an unfinished dream mean?
Your dreams are undoubtedly important to you, but are they urgent? Dreams without urgency are better known as unfinished dreams. Unfinished dreams happen because of a common misunderstanding between you and your brain.
What does it mean when you dream about not crossing a bridge?
Something is going to happen that isn’t good. Perhaps you are going to lose your job. Maybe an investment you have made is going to collapse. You can’t cross a bridge if it has fallen down so you may have feelings of helplessness.
What is the spiritual meaning of a bridge?
The bridge is inherently symbolic of communication and union, whether it be between heaven and earth or two distinct realms. For this reason it can be seen as the connection between God and Man. It may be the passage to reality, or merely a symbol for travel and crossing.
What is the meaning of crossing a bridge?
Deal with a situation when, and not before, it occurs. For example, If we can’t sell the house—well, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. The ultimate origin of this proverb, a caution not to anticipate trouble and often put as don’t cross a bridge till you come to it, has been lost.
What does a bridge symbolize in love?
A bridge connects two banks of the river, what can be symbolically read as a combination of two worlds. The connection in time and space. Permanent feature which, just like marriage, unite inseparably two elements. It is also a symbol of love, stability and living together in two.
What does it mean when you dream an old house?
A dream about an old house shows that you’ve neglected your looks for quite some time. So, it has reached a point where you should care more about how you look in public. Mostly, you’ll dream of an old house being in poor condition. Also, that house may have started to crumble down.
What does the Bible say about bridges?
Jesus came to build bridges to sinners and save them. He built bridges to fishermen, lepers, prostitutes and tax collectors; he built bridges to those who were sick, hurting and hopeless. And, thank God, he built bridges to you and to me.
What does it mean to dream crossing a flooded river?
A flood, though from the face of it, may seem to be destructive, may facilitate new beginnings. So, a flood-like situation in your dream could suggest that you are on the threshold of a new beginning. It could also mean that a destructive or a negative phase in your life is nearing its closure.