What was William Blore description?

Blore was described as a man of “a slightly military cast, with a moustache”. Unlike the other guests, he was invited to the island in a professional way, to keep an eye on the guests. He introduced himself with a fake name, “Davis”.

What did Mr Blore do?

An ex-police inspector who is tricked into coming to the island when he is told that he is supposed to protect Mrs. Owen’s jewels from a thief. In his past Blore, in order to gain a promotion for himself, sent an innocent man named Landor to a penal colony, where he died.

What was Blore guilty of in and then there were none?

William Blore was a former police inspector and now a private investigator who was accused of falsifying his testimony in court for a bribe from a dangerous criminal gang, which resulted in an innocent man, James Landor, being convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Is Mr Blore guilty?

William Henry Blore is guilty of murdering Landor. Landor went to trail and Blore was trying to send him to jail to get a job promotion. Blore commited perjury and accused Landor of being a part of a criminal gang, which was not true. Landor went to prison and then died while in jail.

How was Blore killed?

Toward the end of the book, the dishonest Blore is one of three people left alive, which include Vera Claythorne and Philip Lombard. After a hungry Blore heads back to the house by himself in search of something to eat, he dies after being hit in the head by a large marble clock.

What does Blore say about the death of Landor?

He admits that they inherited some money after her death. Blore says that when he was a police inspector, he testified against a man named James Landor in a bank robbery case. Landor later died in jail, but Blore insists that Landor was guilty.

What is Blores fake name?

In order to conceal his identity as a detective, Blore introduces himself as Mr. Davis from South Africa.

Why can’t Blore have killed Vera and Lombard?

Why can’t Lombard have killed Vera? Armstrong can’t have killed Lombard because he drowned before the others died because in Blore’s notebook his last entry says “Armstrong disappeared.” Lombard couldn’t have killed Vera because Vera’s fingerprints are on the gun that shot Lombard.

Why did Mr Blore lie about his name?

Having been invited to the island to investigate the guests, Blore decides he needs a false identity and disguise. Since he knows that one of the guests was in the military, he realizes that he can’t fake a military career.

Why does Blore think that Rogers killed his wife?

Blore suspects it was Mr. Rogers because he feels that Mr. Rogers believed his wife wouldn’t be able to keep the secret of how they killed the old lady. Also Mr.

What does Blore hear as he’s sitting in his room?

Blore continues to listen and then all of a sudden he hears cautious footsteps. He definitely hears them pass his door. Blore grabs a lamp from his bedside to use as a weapon and slips out of his room just as he sees a figure pass through the front door.

How is Blore killed?