What is the address for BT complaints?

write to them at Ombudsman Services: Communications, PO Box 730, Warrington, WA4 6WU. We’ll try to fix the issue straight away. If we run into problems, we’ll tell you how long it’s going to take and when to expect an update. If you’re unhappy, you can ask to escalate your complaint.

Can I complain to Ofcom about BT?

If your problem is with BT Basic or Kingston Communications’ social access package, complain to your provider. If this does not resolve the problem, contact Ofcom’s Consumer Contact Team on 0300 123 3333 or 020 7981 3040.

How do I contact BT by email?

Contact Us

  1. We’ve included some ways you can get in touch: Email: [email protected].
  2. Help guides. You can also take a look our help section where you’ll find a range of help articles and FAQs.
  3. Need to take it further?

Can I claim compensation from BT?

Business contract customers can claim BT Customer Service Compensation. For help with compensation on incidents before 1 April 2019, take a look at our Customer service guarantee. You are eligible for compensation if your service isn’t activated by one minute to midnight on the activation date we sent by email or post.

Where is the BT headquarters address?

London, United KingdomBT Group / Headquarters

How do I raise a complaint with Openreach?

The quickest way to contact us and raise your issue is through our chat facility. Just click on the icon in the bottom right corner of the screen. Our virtual assistant will then help direct you through to the right team and one of our dedicated customer service team will then be allocated to you and able to help.

Is there an ombudsman for BT?

We’re the Communications Ombudsman. We’re approved by Ofcom – the UK communications regulator – to independently handle disputes between consumers and communications providers who are signed up to our scheme. Back.

How do I raise a complaint with Ofcom?

If you wish to complain to Ofcom about content broadcast on a non-BBC TV channel, radio station or video-on-demand service, you can do so: through Ofcom’s website. by telephoning Ofcom on 0300 123 3333 or 020 7981 3040. using Textphone number 18001 01925 650744.

What is BT head office address?

Who is head of BT complaints?

Wayne Long – Executive Complaints – BT Plc | LinkedIn.

How long does it take BT to pay compensation?

within 30 days
Compensation payments should be made within 30 days of the problem being fixed. For example, if you report loss of service for two days on day 1 and your service is fixed on day 10, you should receive your compensation by day 40.

What is the automatic compensation scheme?

Add to Your Pages. 04 May 2022. Our automatic compensation scheme means broadband and landline customers will get money back from their provider when things go wrong, without having to ask for it.