What is Stray Demon weak to?

Extremely weak Against Bleed (3 hits of a bandit knife or uchigatana make him bleed taking 10% of his health).

Is the Stray Demon the Asylum Demon?

The Stray Demon is yet another reskin of the original Asylum Demon that we fought at the start of the game. We recommend that you go into this fight with a fully upgraded weapon, as anything less will likely make this an incredibly long boss fight.

How do you find a Stray Demon?

You can find this Stray Demon above the Farron area. Head to the Old Wolf of Farron bonfire, and ride the elevator up. You will spot the demon in the distance.

What does the soul of a Stray Demon?

The Soul of a Stray Demon is a boss soul in Dark Souls III. Soul of the Stray Demon. One of the twisted souls, steeped in strength. Use to acquire numerous souls, or transpose to extract its true strength.

How do you break a stray demon?

Stray Demon Tips Can perform a grab attack, which can be escaped by mashing L1 and R1. Weak to Strike Damage, Dark Damage and Black Knight (Greatsword, Sword, Greataxe, Glaive) weapons. Resistant to Fire Damage and Lightning Damage.

What to do after killing stray demon?

Once defeated he will drop a Soul of a Stray Demon. This soul is perfect for transposition back at Firelink Shrine. Bringing the soul to Ludleth will allow you to buy Boulder Heave and Havel’s Ring from his inventory. In the distance you will see the High Wall of Lothric.

Can the Stray Demon be poisoned?

The Stray Demon is susceptible to bleed damage and although it can be inflicted with both Toxic and Poison, it is immune to the damage of poison, though toxic will very slowly inflict damage. Like other demons, it also takes bonus damage from Black Knight weaponry.

What should I get with Soul of a stray demon?

The Soul of a Stray Demon is the reward for defeating the Stray Demon above Farron Keep. It can be transposed into Havel’s Ring or the Boulder Heave Pyromancy.