How far is Bulawayo from Victoria Falls?

How far is it from Bulawayo to Victoria Falls? The distance between Bulawayo and Victoria Falls is 380 km. The road distance is 435.6 km.

How many Kilometres from Harare to Victoria Falls by road via Bulawayo?

From Harare via Bulawayo (best route) it is approximately 880kms to Victoria Falls taking around 12 hours’ drive so it is advisable to split up your journey.

How much is the train from Bulawayo to Victoria Falls?

One-way per berth 1st class berth Economy class seat
Bulawayo to Vic Falls: Z$ 30 Z$ 23

How many hours Bulawayo to Botswana?

Yes, the driving distance between Bulawayo to Botswana is 628 km. It takes approximately 7h 31m to drive from Bulawayo to Botswana.

How much is bus fare from Bulawayo to Harare?

Information on this bus route

Daily Buses 1
Minimum Price $42
Average Ticket Price $97
Minimum Trip Duration 1d13h
Average Bus Trip Duration 1d14h

Does the blue train go to Victoria Falls?

In 1997 a new Blue Train was introduced and its traditional route between Cape Town and Pretoria was extended northwards to the Victoria Falls.

Are there trains in Zimbabwe?

The National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ), formerly Rhodesia Railways, is a state-owned company in Zimbabwe that operates the country’s national railway system.

How much is a Zupco bus from Harare to Bulawayo?

Intercity Bus Fares Sunday, 05 June 2022

From To Bus Fare in US$
Harare Mutare $10.00
Harare Rusape $7.00
Harare Marondera $2.00
Harare Bulawayo $15.00

How much is city link from Harare to Bulawayo?

Opening time and information on CITY LINK Harare-Bulawayo at $25 USD, twice a day.

How many toll gates are there in Zimbabwe?

36 toll plazas
Toll Gates Most highways linking cities are now toll roads following the construction of 36 toll plazas throughout the country. These are State of art tollgates are the first in the world to be 100% self-sufficient and solar powered.