When was the Free Library of Philadelphia founded?
When was the Free Library of Philadelphia founded?
1891Free Library of Philadelphia / Founded
Initiated by the efforts of Dr. William Pepper, the Free Library of Philadelphia was chartered in 1891 as “a general library which shall be free to all.” Pepper received initial funding for the Library through a $225,000 bequest from his wealthy uncle, George S.
Who designed the Free Library of Philadelphia?
A History Minute: 11 Things You Didn’t Know About Julian Abele, Architect of the Parkway. By Sally F. As Head Designer of Horace Trumbauer’s architecture firm, Julian Abele designed the Free Library and the Philadelphia Art Museum and set the tone for the entire parkway.
Who started free libraries?
Subscription libraries – where member dues paid for book purchases and borrowing privileges were free – debuted in the 1700s. In 1731, Ben Franklin and others founded the first such library, the Library Company of Philadelphia.
What did Benjamin Franklin say about libraries?
According to Ben himself, in his autobiography, “…by thus clubbing our books to a common library, we should, while we lik’d to keep them together, have each of us the advantage of using the books of all the other members, which would be nearly as beneficial as if each owned the whole.”
Did Ben Franklin start the first library?
The first public library in the U.S. is contested, but there are three generally accepted answers. The first is the Library Company of Philadelphia which was founded in November 1731 by Benjamin Franklin.
Why did Benjamin Franklin open the first public library?
There they held lively discussions of politics, morals and philosophy. Eventually, they left this ale-infused atmosphere for a quieter meeting place in the home of one of the wealthier members. To aid the group’s quest for knowledge, Franklin developed a plan for a public library.
Who started free public libraries?
Andrew Carnegie was once the richest man in the world. Coming as a dirt poor kid from Scotland to the U.S., by the 1880s he’d built an empire in steel — and then gave it all away: $60 million to fund a system of 1,689 public libraries across the country.
How many libraries are in Philadelphia?
Of the 54 buildings, 49 are small branches serving specific neighborhoods. Three much larger regional libraries—in West, Northwest and Northeast Philadelphia—have additional reference materials, computers and meeting space.
When did free libraries start?
1833. The first free modern public library was opened in 1833. The Peterborough (N.H.) Town Libraries was the first institution funded by a municipality with the explicit purpose of establishing a free library open to all classes of the community.
Did Ben Franklin start the first public library?
The Library Company is America’s first successful lending library and oldest cultural institution. It was founded in 1731 by Benjamin Franklin as a subscription library supported by its shareholders, as it is to this day. During the early years of the United States, books were not widely available.