What kind of charger do MacBooks use?

The latest MacBook Pros have been switched to USB-C cables, so if you have a 13-inch version of 2016 and later you’d use a 61W USB-C Power Adapter and if you have a 15-inch version of 2016 and later you’d use an 87W USB-C Power Adapter. Older MacBooks split in lots of categories.

Are all MacBook chargers the same?

If you have to replace the charger for your MacBook, MacBook Air or MacBook Pro, then it’s important that you find the correct one for your particular machine as unlike the iPhone’s one-size-fits-all lightning cable, chargers vary between Apple’s MacBook range.

What is the difference between MacBook chargers?

By default, the MacBook Pro uses an 85W power adapter, while the MacBook uses a 60W power adapter. Both adapters use the same MagSafe connection point that will fit either model. So are the two adapters interchangeable? Yes, with a caveat.

What are the different Apple chargers?

Over the last fifteen years, Apple has created four charging cables for their iPods, iPhones and iPads. They first used a 6-Pin FireWire connector on the original iPod, then the 30-pin dock connector to FireWire, followed by the 30-pin dock connector to USB and finally the newest 8-pin Lightning connector.

Can any USB-C charge MacBook?

Unfortunately, iPhones don’t use USB-C to charge. Many Android phones use USB-C, so those AC adapters could charge a MacBook/Pro, but it would take a long time. Plug one end into the MacBook Pro. Plug the other end into your power socket or USB hub to begin charging.

What is the difference between MagSafe and MagSafe 2?

From 2012 to 2015 all MacBooks Air, MacBook and MacBook Pro models used the newer MagSafe 2 connection. This is thinner and wider than MagSafe 1. It’s pretty easy to tell which version your MacBook uses by looking at the slot. The MagSafe 1 adaptor is thicker, while MagSafe 2 is longer and thinner.

Are all Apple chargers the same?

The chargers have changed shape over the years yet the old ones will still do the same job. Many Thanks and Enjoy charging! The iPads use higher power chargers than the iPods and iPhones. You an use an iPad charger with an iPod or iPhone, but not the other way around.

Is MacBook Air charger same as pro?

You can safely use the 85W adapter on any Mac, it will only draw as much power as it needs. The 45W adapter from the MacBook Air may just about manage to power your MacBook Pro but it won’t charge it. It will not damage your Mac, but you may notice the battery may still deplete when using it.