Is there any direct train from Bangalore to Ooty?

There is no direct train from Bangalore to Ooty. You can travel to Ooty through Mysore by boarding the Basava Express from Bangalore to Mysore and then taking a cab or bus from Mysore to Ooty.

What is the cost of Ooty train?

Ooty Train Ticket Rate

Train Number/Name 1st Class 2nd Class
56136 / Mettupalayam-Udagamandalam MG Passenger Rs 545 Rs 270
56139 / Udagamandalam-Coonoor MG Passenger Rs 320 Rs 140
56136 / Mettupalayam to Coonoor Rs 445 Rs 190

Is Ooty train running?

The Nilgiri train timetable currently says that the train leaves at 07:10 hours and reaches Ooty by 12:00 hours, and the return journey from Ooty starts at about 14:00 hrs and reaches Mettupalayam by about 17:35 hrs….Ooty Toy Train Timings.

Day Timing
Sunday First Train 7:10 am to 12:00 pm more trains…

Is General ticket available now in 2022?

According to reports, Indian Railways is likely to resume the general ticket facility in 20 trains from 1 January, 2022. Now you can travel in general coaches through unreserved tickets from the first day of New Year 2022.

How can I plan from Bangalore to Ooty?

There are several ways to reach Ooty from Bangalore. You can take the NH 275 route which is the shortest route at 277 kilometres. The NH209 route is also a viable option, though 2 kilometres longer than NH 275. A third option is to drive along the NH 275 and then turn on to the Mysore-Ooty Road.

How can I plan Ooty trip?

5 Day Ooty Tour Plan

  1. Start From Hotel.
  2. Doddabetta Peak. Visitors typically stay for 45 minutes.
  3. Tea Factory view point. Visitors typically stay for 30 minutes.
  4. Eagles Dare (Adventure sports) Visitors typically stay for 55 minutes.
  5. Tea Break.
  6. Botanical Garden.
  7. Rose Garden.
  8. Lunch Break.

How can I go to Ooty by train?

By Train. Mettupalayam is the nearest railway station, about 47 km away from Ooty. There are regular trains running from Coimbatore and Chennai to Mettupalayam. Mettupalayam and Conoor are also connected to Ooty by the toy train.

How can I go to Ooty from Bangalore?

The fastest way to reach from Bangalore to Ooty is flight to Coimbatore International Airport, then cab to Ooty and takes 2h 41m. The recommended way to reach from Bangalore to Ooty is bus to Ooty and takes 7h 30m. Buses from SRS Travels , Sam Tours and Travels, K.P.N etc. Cabs from Waah Taxis, Gozo etc.

Can I take general ticket online?

Through its online tools, passengers can book not just reserved tickets, but also platform and general tickets, without having to bother with the never-ending queues at railway stations.

Is 2S and general same in train?

Are 2S and general seating the same? There is a difference between 2S class and general seating in trains. Although the seats may look similar in some trains, there is still a difference between 2S and general seating. Second seating in train is a reserved class, whereas general seating is an unreserved class.

Do we need Epass for Ooty from Bangalore?

E-Passes are not required anymore. The E-Registration only keeps count of people travelling into Ooty for better tracking. Just keep a printout of the registration and you can travel to Ooty.