What do the Latvian symbols mean?

Pagan in nature, Latvian symbols are connected to its mythology. These symbols typically include geometric shapes. These symbols tend to depict gods, mythical figures and natures, and serve as a testament to the rich heritage that Latvia possesses.

What does Jumis mean?

Jumis is an agricultural deity representing fertility and a good harvest. He appears dressed in clothes made from field crops, such as wheat and barley. The symbol of Jumis has a symmetrical form somewhat like crossed grain flails or (if you use your imagination), a shock of wheat.

What does the 7 day ring mean?

Latvian engagement ring (SKU #3516) Also known as an engagement ring or 7-day ring. It has seven tiny pendants with ancient Latvian ornaments that keep away evil spirits and bring luck… A legend says that there was a young and beautiful girl who had seven admirers and she couldn’t choose which of them to marry.

What is the Latvian flower?

The Latvian national flower is the pīpene or daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare). This common wildflower blossoms in June, just in time to be woven into festive wreaths for the Midsummer festivities (Jāņi).

What is the national symbol of Latvia?

The Latvian official state symbols are: Three stars above represent the unity of Latvian regions, the lion represents Courland-Semigallia and the griffin – Vidzeme. The rising sun is a symbol of World War 1. Latvian anthem is a hymn “God Bless Latvia” composed by Karlis Blaumanis.

Is Latvia a pagan?

1. One of the last corners of Europe to join Christendom, Latvians are still very much pagans at heart. They worship nature by jumping over bonfires at Midsummer Eve, and many surnames are about birds, animals or trees.

What is the symbol for Latvia?

What does a Latvian ring mean?

The Namejs ring (Latvian: Nameja gredzens) is a traditional Latvian ring which represents Latvian independence, friendship and trust, and symbolizes the unity of three ancient Latvian lands – Kurzeme, Latgale and Vidzeme.

What is the national animal of Latvia?

White wagtail
National animals

Country Name of animal Scientific name (Latin name)
Latvia White wagtail (national bird) Motacilla alba
Two-spotted ladybird (national insect) Adalia bipunctata
Lebanon Striped hyena (national animal) Hyaena hyaena
Phoenix (national bird) Mythical

What are Latvians known for?

What is Latvia famous for? This small but significant Baltic state squeezes Art Nouveau architecture, UNESCO World Heritage, natural landscapes and sticky black balsam into its eastern European borders.