How big is a 30 kW generator?

Dimensions 1880 mm x 836 mm x 1146 mm (74 in. x 32.9 in. x 45.1 in.)

Will a 30kW generator run my house?

The typical house will need about 25 to 40 kilowatts, so a 20kw generator is too small. An average American home needs around 30 to 50 kilowatts of power for its basic electrical needs. In order to ensure that your home has enough electricity when the grid goes down, you’ll want at least a 30 kW generator.

How much is a 30kW generator?

The Cummins 30kW Diesel generator is fully integrated power generation systems providing optimum performance, reliability, and versatility for stationary Standby applications. With the addition of the basic fuel tank, the price comes to $16,529.00.

How many amps is a 30 kW generator?


kVA kW 480
25 20 30.1
31 25 37.6
38 30 45.2
44 35 52.7

How much does a 30kw generator weight?

1,322 lbs.
EPS 30kW Tier 4 Final Diesel Mobile Generator Specifications

Configuration Enclosed Open
Length (inches) 63.93 62.82
Width (inches) 25.76 25.76
Height (inches) 28.77 28.77
Weight (including oil & antifreeze) 1,322 lbs. 1,291 lbs.

How do you calculate generator capacity?

  1. Full load kW = Total amps x supply voltage / 1,000.
  2. Reserve capacity = Full load kW x 0.25.
  3. For 100 percent power, generator size = Full load kW + reserve capacity.
  4. Retail application: 50 kW + 10 watts per square foot.
  5. Other commercial application: 50 kW + 5 watts per square foot.

How many amps does a 30 kVA generator produce?

Example: A 30 kVA 3 phase generator is capable of producing 10 kVA per phase or approximately 43 Amps per phase in a 415/240V system.

What can a 12kva generator power?

One refrigerator, one microwave, 6 lights, 2 televisions, 1 coffee maker, 2 air conditioners, 3 laptops, 1monitor, and 1 printer can be powered by a 10kva generator.