How do you go to Timeline review on iPhone?

If you turn on Timeline Review, you need to review and approve all the posts you’re tagged in before they appear in your profile….To get to your Timeline Review:

  1. Tap.
  2. Tap below your profile picture, then tap Review Timeline.
  3. Tap Add to Timeline on an individual post to approve it, or tap Hide to ignore it.

How do I go to Timeline review?

To get to your Timeline Review:

  1. Tap. in the top right of Facebook, then tap your name.
  2. Tap below your profile picture, then tap Review Posts and Tags.
  3. Tap Add to Profile on an individual post to approve it, or tap to ignore it.

How do I get to Timeline Review on mobile?

Enable Timeline Review on Mobile Under Audience and Visibility, tap on “Profile and tagging.” Under the “Reviewing” section, enable the “Review posts you’re tagged in before the post appears on your profile?” option to turn on Timeline Review.

How can I see my Timeline?

Tips & tricks

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app .
  2. Tap your profile picture or initial Your Timeline .
  3. Select a place from Timeline.
  4. Tap Details.
  5. Scroll until you find Timeline. . Next to this icon, you can find information about the last time you visited.

Why can’t I see tagged Photos on Facebook 2021?

With Facebook privacy settings, you control the visibility of the content you post on Facebook. If your friends are unable to view your tagged Facebook photos, it is likely that you’ve adjusted your privacy settings to prevent them from doing so.

How do I turn on timeline Review on Facebook?

To turn on Timeline Review or review your Timeline Review settings:

  1. Tap.
  2. Scroll down and tap Settings.
  3. Scroll down to Audience and Visibility and tap Profile and Tagging.
  4. Tap Review posts you’re tagged in before the post appears on your profile?
  5. Tap On or Off to turn Timeline Review on or off.

Why can’t I see some posts on my Timeline?

If your Facebook feed doesn’t appear to be showing the most recent posts, or if some posts which are shared to your Facebook page are missing, then the most likely explanation is that those posts in your feed may be shared from a user’s personal Facebook profile or a Facebook page which has an age or location …