What does vyapti mean?
What does vyapti mean?
Vyapti, a Sanskrit expression, in Hindu philosophy refers to the state of pervasion. It is considered as the logical ground of inference which is one of the means to knowledge. No conclusion can be inferred without the knowledge of vyapti. Vyapti guarantees the truth of conclusion.
What is vyapti according to Naiyayikas?
On the other hand, according to Nyaya and Vedantins, the only reality between two things of un-contradicted experience and not causal or essential identity is known as vyapti. Hence, according to Nyaya, vyapati is the relation between the middle and the major term. It is unconditional and universal in nature.
What is called vyapti What are the methods for establishing vyapti?
Vyapti is established based on its presence of both in all such events (wherever there is smoke there is fire) and the absence of both (wherever there is no fire there is no smoke). The classification is based on the relationship (causal uniformity or non-causal uniformity) between the reason and what is inferred.
What is Svarthanumana?
Svarthanumana : The potential knowledge gained by a person who argues in his mind or decisions. or we can say it’s an inference for one’s own conviction.
What is a pervasion?
Definition of pervasion : the action of pervading or condition of being pervaded.
What is Paksadharmata?
The presence of the middle term in the minor term is called Paksadharmata and the invariable association of the middle term with the major term is called Vyāpti. The knowledge of Paksadharmata as qualified by Vyāpti is called Parāmarsa.
Why the Charvaka do not admit vyapti?
Vyapti based on the testimony of reliable person is not valid, because the validity of testimony itself requires to be proved by inference. Carvaka claims uniformities of experience can be explained by the inherent natures (svabhava) of things. So the fire is always experienced to be hot and water to be cool.
What is Vyabhicaragraha?
iii) Vyabhicaragraha – This step refers to the non-observation of contrary instances. It helps in strengthening the knowledge obtained through anvaya or vyatireka.
What is Purvavat and Sesavat?
Purvavat and sesavat. A purvavat inference is that in which we infer the unperceived effect from a perceived cause. The inference of future rain from the appearance of dark heavy clouds in the sky is an example of purvavat. A sesavat inference is that in which we infer the unperceived cause from a perceived effect.
What is Paramarsa?
The knowledge of the qualities of the ‘paksa’ through the ‘hetu’ is called paramarsa.
What does Concomitance mean?
Definition of concomitance : accompaniment especially : a conjunction that is regular and is marked by correlative variation of accompanying elements.