How much does a T-Mobile phone cost?

T-Mobile unlimited plan: How it compares on price

Monthly price comparison 1 line 2 lines
T-Mobile $65 $100
AT $75 $140
Verizon $80 $140
U.S. Cellular $70 $135

Does T-Mobile price Match phone prices?

T-Mobile price matches. “T-Mobile has a policy that they do not advertise that is called a price match guarantee. This states that they can honor any price that has been printed (advertisement), as long as the terms and conditions are the same as T-Mobile’s.

Are T-Mobile phones actually free?

The phone isn’t entirely free, at least not initially. You’ll have to pay for the $282 Galaxy A32 in monthly installments, with T-Mobile offering monthly bill credits spread out over 24 months. Drop T-Mobile as your wireless carrier before then, and you’re on the hook for paying off the phone.

How much do new phones cost?

US phone prices from 2016-2019

2016 (starting price) 2019 (starting price)
Samsung Galaxy Galaxy S7: $650-695 Galaxy S10: $900
Samsung Galaxy Plus S7 Edge: $750-795 Galaxy S10 Plus: $1,000
Samsung Galaxy Note Note 7: $834-880 Expected Aug 2019
Motorola Moto G Moto G4: $199 Moto G7: $299

How can I lower my T-Mobile phone bill?

7 Ways to Lower Your Cell Phone Bill

  1. Opt for autopay. Most wireless carriers will knock $5 to $10 off your bill if you sign up for automatic payments.
  2. Switch to prepaid.
  3. Change or remove your cell phone insurance.
  4. Skip the phone upgrade.
  5. Cash in on discounts.
  6. Add lines.
  7. Update your service address.

Does T-Mobile have free upgrades?

T-Mobile’s new plan lets customers upgrade their phones whenever they want, up to three times a year. The “Jump On Demand” program is essentially a phone leasing program.

How can I lower my T-Mobile bill?

How much is the activation fee for T-Mobile?

The fee reportedly applies to users who buy an unlocked phone from a supplier other than AT and activate it on their accounts. Sprint’s activation fee ranges as high as $30 per device; T-Mobile doesn’t charge an activation fee but instead requires a $20 “SIM starter kit” for new phone purchases.

Why is T-Mobile giving away free phones?

T-Mobile is “giving away” 5G phones in an attempt to move customers from its 4G network onto 5G, the company said today. The promo reflects the urgency of a company that’s pushed to set aside plenty of airwaves for 5G, but has only gotten about 10% of its customers onto 5G phones.

Is it cheaper to upgrade or buy a new phone?

In summary, upgrading annually over three years costs $418 more, or roughly $12 a month, compared with upgrading every three years, Flipsy said. Framed this way, it may sound like a bargain to get a new phone every year as opposed to every few years.