What is the shear strength of clay?

Unconfined compression shear strength of this type of clay varies between 4 to 6 ksf [8]. In these types of soil, generally, progressive failure occurs and lateral earth pressure coefficient values at rest varies from 1.5 to 2.3.

What is an Overconsolidated clay?

over-consolidated clay Clay that has been more compacted than would be expected from the existing overburden, e.g. it has been subjected to pressure from overburden that has subsequently been removed by erosion. Compare NORMALLY CONSOLIDATED CLAY. A Dictionary of Earth Sciences. “over-consolidated clay .”

What is the difference between normally consolidated and Overconsolidated soils?

Overconsolidation. If the current state of soil is on the normal compression line it is said to be normally consolidated. If the soil is unloaded it becomes overconsolidated.

Is drained or undrained shear strength higher?

Compared to drained strength ( c ′ , ϕ ′ c’, \phi’ c′,ϕ′), undrained shear strength is often much easier and cheaper to measure. It can be derived from an unconfined compression test (UU triaxial), vane shear test or simply using a pocket penetrometer.

What is the shear strength of concrete?

Abstract The shear strength of concrete is an ability to resist forces that cause sliding of one part relative to the other at an internal plane. The shear strength depends on the grade of concrete, percentage of fibres and percentage of tension steel in beams.

What is the undrained shear strength of stiff clay?

75 ~ 150 kPa
Typical values of shear strength

Undrained shear strength su (kPa)
Stiff soil su = 75 ~ 150 kPa
Firm soil su = 40 ~ 75 kPa
Soft soil su = 20 ~ 40kPa
Very soft soil su < 20 kPa

What does Overconsolidated mean?

Consolidated to an excessive degree; (specifically of soil) consolidated to a greater degree than could have been produced by the present pressure of overburden.

Is London clay Overconsolidated?

Modelling failure of London Clay is significantly more complex due to its overconsolidated and fissured nature.

Is Overconsolidated soil good?

From the term over consolidation it seems that there is an excessive consolidation in the soil. But that is not the case actually. Overconsolidation is almost always a good thing. Except in Cut slopes where overconsolidated soils are less desirable.

Is the clay normally consolidated or Overconsolidated?

A clay soil is said to be normally consolidated if the effective overburden pressure that it is currently experiencing is the maximum it has ever experienced in its history.

Is clay drained or undrained?

Clay behavior depends on the rate of loading (or unloading). When “fast” stress changes take place then clay behavior is typically modeled as “Undrained” while slow stress changes or long term conditions are typically modeled as “Drained”. In the software, the default behavior of a clay type soil is set as “Undrained”.

What is difference between drained and undrained shear strength?

Drained Shear Strength: The soil is free to dilate or contract during shear if the soil sample is totally drained. Undrained Shear Strength: Whenever water is not allowed to flow in or flow out of the soil then the stress path is called as undrained stress path.