What is the best acorn for deer?
What is the best acorn for deer?
White Oak acorns
Generally speaking, White Oak acorns have the lowest tannic acid levels which provide them with a sweeter flavor over Red Oak acorns. Thus this nut is what deer prefer when available and will continue to consume them throughout the year while they are still edible.
What type of acorns do whitetail deer eat?
white oak
Just as acorns are the preferred deer food in autumn, white oak are the preferred acorns. Deer judge acorn taste, and subsequent preference by the level of tannic acid in the nut. White Oak acorns have the least tannic acid and the large rock oak the highest content.
What do deer like better than acorns?
When acorns are available, deer do prefer them over most food sources. Even in ag production areas, deer will leave corn and beans to feed on acorns. They do the same thing at The Proving Grounds. However, as soon as the acorn crop is gone, deer will readily use the corn and forage soybeans grown here.
Do deer like live oak acorns?
Live Oak These acorns, also highly palatable to deer and other wildlife, are around ¾” in length.
Do deer like red or white oak acorns?
All acorns contain tannic acid and deer prefer acorns with the least amount. White oak acorns, the number one hard mast choice for deer, contain the least amount of tannic acid. Preference can vary by region.
What oak trees Do deer like best?
6 Best Oak Trees for Whitetails
- Sawtooth Oak. Sawtooth oaks drop first beginning as early as September in most areas, and can continue into early or mid-October.
- Willow Oak. Willow oak is next.
- White Oak.
- Swamp Chestnut Oak.
- Shumard Oak.
- Nuttall Oak.
Will deer eat brown acorns?
Deer are attracted to acorns for their nutritional value, abundance and size. Acorns are rich in nutrients. Percentages vary from species to species, however, all acorns contain substantial amounts of protein, carbohydrates and fats, as well as the minerals calcium, phosphorus and potassium and the vitamin — niacin.
What is the number 1 deer attractant?
Big & J BB2 is the best deer food attractant that we use, but it is more than that. It is not very often that you get to support a company that you can truly be proud to do business with. Big & J is one of those companies.
Is dried corn good for deer?
Many articles, presentations, and campfire conversations about deer nutrition state emphatically that corn is not good for deer. In a general sense, this is true because corn is low in protein (9%), has a poor mineral profile, and can cause digestive upset and metabolic problems.