What are the instructional materials used in teaching mathematics?

These aids are essential classroom kit for students entering into a high school math environment.

  • 2D and 3D shapes – tangrams, pattern blocks and attribute blocks.
  • Pretend money – notes and coins.
  • Dice, cards and counters and spinners.
  • Trundle wheel, and metre ruler.
  • Beakers, funnels, cylinders, scales and weights.

What are the methods of teaching geometry?

Teaching methods of mathematics include problem-solving, lecture, inductive, deductive, analytic, synthetic, and heuristic or Discovery Method. The teacher adopts any method according to the needs and interests of students.

Which method is best for teaching geometry?

The display method is the best method of teaching geometry. In this method, the teacher is used to explain the concept using concrete objects. So, it is easy to explain geometry using this method.

What are teaching materials examples?

Types of instructional materials

Print Textbooks, pamphlets, handouts, study guides, manuals
Audio Cassettes, microphone, podcast
Visual Charts, real objects, photographs, transparencies
Audiovisual Slides, tapes, films, filmstrips, television, video, multimedia
Electronic Interactive Computers, graphing calculators, tablets

How do you create instructional materials?

Classify your instructional objectives according to the three learning domains – cognitive, affective and psychomotor and try to create goals for demonstrable skills and behaviors.

  1. Know Your Audience.
  2. Develop a Game Plan.
  3. Find or Create the Instructional Materials.
  4. Evaluate Your Learners.
  5. Evaluate Your Instruction.

How do you teach geometry in the classroom?

Use these activities from 3rd grade to 5th grade to get them started in a fun, collaborative way!

  1. Create line segments with geoboards.
  2. Draw out geometric ideas with pencil and paper.
  3. Reinforce in-school lessons with online games.
  4. Practice geometric concepts with task cards.
  5. Fortify skills with geometry worksheets.

How do you engage students in geometry?

Here are five ideas on how to keep students involved in math lessons.

  1. Relate to the real world. Most students do not believe that they will use what they are learning in high school math ever again.
  2. Give students choices.
  3. Use props.
  4. Find problems with more than one answer.
  5. Make students feel safe.