What was al-Khwarizmi famous for?
What was al-Khwarizmi famous for?
Al-Khwārizmī is famous for his mathematical works, which introduced Hindu-Arabic numerals and algebra to European mathematicians. In fact, the words algorithm and algebra come from his name and the title of one of his works, respectively.
Where and when was al-Khwarizmi born?
KhwarazmMuhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi / Place of birthKhwarazm, or Chorasmia, is a large oasis region on the Amu Darya river delta in western Central Asia, bordered on the north by the Aral Sea, on the east by the Kyzylkum Desert, on the south by the Karakum Desert, and on the west by the Ustyurt Plateau. Wikipedia
Where did al-Khwarizmi go to school?
The scholar al-Khwarizmi studied the sciences and mathematics at the House of Wisdom in Baghdad and worked on translating Greek and Sanskrit…
Was Al-Khwarizmi a genius?
In his book, The Arabs: A Short History, Philip Khuri, a Lebanese-American professor at Princeton and Harvard University, described Khwarizmi as “one of the greatest scientific minds of Islam and the man who influenced mathematical thought to a greater extent than any other mediaeval writer.”
Did Khwarizmi invented zero?
It was al-Khowarizmi who first synthesized Indian arithmetic and showed how the zero could function in algebraic equations, and by the ninth century the zero had entered the Arabic numeral system in a form resembling the oval shape we use today.
When did Al-Khwarizmi invent algebra?
9th century
Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi, a Muslim mathematician wrote a book in 9th century named “Kitab Al-Jabr” from which the word “ALGEBRA” derived. So algebra was invented in the 9th century.
Who was khwarizmi teacher?
Certainly al-Khwarizmi worked under the patronage of Al-Mamun and he dedicated two of his texts to the Caliph. These were his treatise on algebra and his treatise on astronomy.
Was al-Khwarizmi a genius?
Where is the Statue of Al-Khwarizmi?
statue of the mathematician al-Khwarizmi, Khiva, Uxbekistan.