What is the type of database in DB2?

relational database products
Db2, or Database 2, is a set of relational database products built and offered by IBM. Relational databases enable enterprises to create declarative data models accessible via queries. For this purpose, IBM invented the popular and now standardized Structured Query Language (SQL).

What is the current version of DB2?


Stable release(s)
11.5.7 / 8 December 2021
Written in C, C++, assembly, Java
Operating system Linux, Unix-like, Windows. Historical support for OS/2
Platform x86-64, x86, SPARC, IBM Power microprocessors

What is DB2 ZOS?

Db2 for z/OS is the enterprise data server for IBM Z. It manages core business data across an enterprise and supports key business applications. Db2 for z/OS supports thousands of customers and millions of users. It remains continuously available, scalable, and highly secure.

Why DB2 is called DB2?

The name DB/2 originally referred to IBM’s shift from a hierarchical database model to the relational database model. IBM rebranded the line of database products Db2 in 2017.

Why is DB2 A relational database?

It is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). DB2 is designed to store, analyze and retrieve the data efficiently. DB2 product is extended with the support of Object-Oriented features and non-relational structures with XML.

What language does DB2 use?

structured query language (SQL)
The language that you use to access the data in Db2 tables is the structured query language (SQL). SQL is a standardized language for defining and manipulating data in a relational database. The language consists of SQL statements.

What is DB2 pureScale?

The DB2 pureScale Feature is an extension to the existing IBM DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows product that allows you to scale your database solution. Multiple database servers, called DB2 members, process incoming database requests; these members operate in a clustered system and share data.

Is DB2 SQL or NoSQL?

In addition to being a relational DBMS, Db2 also offers integrated support for several NoSQL capabilities, including XML, graph store and JavaScript Object Notation, or JSON.