What are the 4 goals of anti-bias education?

They support children’s development of a confident sense of identity without needing to feel superior to others; an ease with human diversity; a sense of fairness and justice; the skills of empowerment; and the ability to stand up for themselves or for others.

What is anti-bias in early childhood?

Anti-bias curriculum is an approach to early childhood education that sets forth values-based principles and methodology in support of respecting and embracing differences and acting against bias and unfairness. Anti-bias teaching requires critical thinking and problem solving by both children and adults.

What does anti-bias mean in English?

: opposing or prohibiting unfair discrimination against people based on race, religion, etc. : preventing or counteracting bias (as in hiring practices) racial antibias laws.

What is Abe’s goal?

The Four Goals of Anti-bias Education. Goal One: Each child will demonstrate self-awareness, confidence, family pride, and positive social (group) identities. Goal Two: Each child will express comfort and joy with human diversity, accurate language for human differences, and deep, caring human connections.

How do you have anti-bias in a classroom?

Five Teaching Strategies to Create an Anti-Bias Classroom:

  1. Keep a library of anti-bias picture books in your classroom at all times.
  2. Realize and accept that you may feel uncomfortable when embarking on these discussions.
  3. Practice problem-solving and critical discussions with your class about other, easier topics.

What does Naeyc stand for?

The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) is a professional membership organization that works to promote high-quality early learning for all young children, birth through age 8, by connecting early childhood practice, policy, and research.

What is Antibias training?

Anti-bias education is an approach designed to increase understanding of differences and their value to a respectful and civil society and to actively challenge bias, stereotypes, and all forms of discrimination.

How do you promote anti-bias in the classroom?