What car is Raoul CaRoule based on?
What car is Raoul ÇaRoule based on?
Citroën Hymotion4 WRC
Raoul ÇaRoule is a reference to French rally driver, nine times WRC winner Sebastien Loeb, with whom he shares a similar backstory and the same car. He is based on Loeb’s Citroën Hymotion4 WRC. During the production of the film, Citroën contacted Pixar complaining Raoul looked too much like their hatchback.
What kind of car is Raoul?
Citroën C4 World Rally Car
Physical appearance. Raoul’s model. CARS 2 – Raoul ÇaRoule Raoul is a 1999 Citroën C4 World Rally Car based on Sebastien Loeb’s Citroën C4 Hymotion4 WRC.
What car is Shu Todoroki based on?
Model. Shu is a 2006 Le Motor Prototype J8 Racer. This is based on a 2007 Peugeot 908 HDi FAP prototype car.
What kind of car is Francesco Bernoulli?
modern Formula One race car
Francesco is based on a modern Formula One race car, as noted from specifications such as open wheels and a long hood. His top speed is 220 mph, with a 0-60 of 2.5 seconds. His engine is a 2.4-liter V-8, 18,500 rpm redline, with a horsepower of 750. He is painted red, white and green.
What kind of car is rip Clutchgoneski?
2005 Formula 6000 Racer
According to Meet the Cars, Rip is a 2005 Formula 6000 Racer, but his true basis is actually inspired by a Caparo T1. Rip is the only racer that races for a fictional country that Pixar made up.
What kind of car is Miguel Camino?
According to Meet the Cars, Miguel is a 2007 Grand Touring Sports SS-E. Given that he is a 2007 car, his main inspiration based on a 2006-2008 Dodge Viper, mostly a 2006 ASC Diamondback Viper, and his headlights are from a 2009 Ferrari 458.
What kind of car is Guido?
Alza/Tutto Forklift
Guido is a main character in Cars, Cars 2, and Cars 3. He is a light blue Alza/Tutto Forklift. Like his best friend and boss Luigi, he is Italian.
Is Bernoulli faster than Jackson Storm?
Francesco Bernoulli’s top speed is 220 miles per hour, making him faster than Jackson Storm.
Is New Rearendia a real country?
The Republic of New Rearendia is a fictional country in Cars 2. It is World Grand Prix racer Rip Clutchgoneski’s home country.