What do you mean by trebled?
What do you mean by trebled?
(Entry 1 of 3) 1a : the highest voice part in harmonic music : soprano. b : one that performs a treble part also : a member of a family of instruments having the highest range. c : a high-pitched or shrill voice, tone, or sound.
How do you pronounce treble?
2 syllables: “TREB” + “uhl”…Here are 4 tips that should help you perfect your pronunciation of ‘treble’:
- Break ‘treble’ down into sounds: [TREB] + [UHL] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.
- Record yourself saying ‘treble’ in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen.
How do you pronounce omnium?
Break ‘omnium’ down into sounds: [OM] + [NEE] + [UHM] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.
Is it trebled or tripled?
Treble is favored in a few specific contexts (in the game of darts, for instance), but triple is generally favored everywhere else. Even in British English, where treble is most common, triple appears approximately three times for every instance of treble.
How do you spell trebble?
An obsolete spelling of treble .
How do you pronounce Travonne?
- Phonetic spelling of Travon. TRahVAE-N. t-r-aa-V-OH-N. travon.
- Meanings for Travon.
- Examples of in a sentence.
How do you pronounce Birria?
- bee. – rryah.
- bi. – rja.
- bi. – rria.
How is Elote pronounced?
- eh. – loh. – teh.
- e. – lo. – te.
- e. – lo. – te.
Why do they say treble in darts?
The term comes from the typical price of a bed-and-breakfast in times gone by: 2 shillings and sixpence, or “two and six”. (See also chips). Hitting the treble of each number is known as a champagne breakfast: Triple 20, triple 5 and triple 1. A score of 45.