What size AAV do I need?

AAVs are typically available with 1 ½”, 2”, 3” and 4” adapter connections. The adapter size is based on the diameter of the vent pipe it is being installed on. Generally, a vent should be sized to be half the pipe diameter of the drain it is serving (refer to local codes for specific vent size recommendations).

How long do air admittance valves last?

AAV’s are certified to reliably. However anything mechanical can and will fail. Some manufacturers claim they’re good for 500,000 uses (approximately 30 years of use). US manufacturers offer warranties that range from 1 year to “lifetime”.

What is a stack type AAV?

Air Admittance Valve in a Stack Application (ASSE 1050) The stack-type AAV shall be located not less than 6 inches (152 mm) above the flood level rim of the highest fixture being vented. The AAV shall be located within the maximum developed length permitted for the vent.

Are studor vents legal?

Some state and local building departments prohibit Studer vents. check with the local AHJ (Authority Having Jurisdiction) for more information. Studer vents are certified to reliably. However, anything mechanical can and will fail.

Can you oversize an air admittance valve?

It is acceptable to oversize a Sure-Vent®; however, an undersized Sure-Vent® will not allow the plumbing system to breathe properly.

Which air admittance valve is best?

#1 TUUBER Dual Seal Air Admittance Valve.

  • #2 Oatey Sure-Vent Air Admittance Valve.
  • #3 Studor Redi-Vent Air Admittance Valve.
  • Can air admittance valves leak water?

    A plumber disconnected the vent, and placed an AAV under the sink. The issue here is that if the sink is full of water, and the garbage disposal runs for more than 5 seconds, a decent amount of water leaks out of the AAV.

    Where should I place my air admittance valve?

    Air admittance valves are typically placed between the P-trap of a fixture and the drain line. They’re usually mounted on one leg of a sanitary tee, with the other leg going to the drain. The unit must be placed per local codes and the manufacturer’s instructions.

    How long do studor vents last?

    Studor offers a 10-year warranty and claims a 500,000 cycle lifetime. Another concern with an air admittance valve is that it might leak if there is a sewage backup.

    Do studor vents smell?

    We had a strong sewage smell develop in our powder room that I traced to under the vanity. I replaced the air admittance valve installed there with a new studor mini vent and the smell went away immediately. Surprisingly fast in fact.

    How far can a sink be from a vent stack?

    There is a vent between the sink P-trap and the point where the waste line goes to the main sewer. The vent can’t be more than 2 1/2 feet from the trap if the waste line has a diameter of 1 1/2 inches. The critical distance is 3 1/2 feet if the waste line is 1 1/2 inches.

    What is the difference between a stack vent and a vent stack?

    A vent stack is a vertical pipe that is only used for venting, and runs upward from the drain piping to the open air outside the home. Vent stacks are primary vents and accept connections from other vents in a plumbing system. A stack vent is used for both drainage and venting.