What does nahln stand for?

National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN)

What does the foreign animal disease diagnostician do?

The Reagents and Vaccine Services Section provides diagnostic reagents, assays, vaccines and other services for identification, control, and eradication of foreign animal diseases.

How many Nvsl laboratories are there?

two locations
The National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) has laboratories in two locations: Ames, Iowa and the Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (FADDL) at Plum Island, New York.

Who should you contact when a foreign animal disease is on your differential list?

An accredited veterinarian shall immediately report to both the Veterinary Official (VO) and the State Animal Health Official all diagnosed or suspected cases of a communicable animal disease for which a APHIS has a control or eradication program in 9 CFR chapter I, and all diagnosed or suspected cases of any animal …

Which role is one a private veterinarian will do related to foreign animal disease in the United States?

Which role is one a private veterinarian will do related to foreign animal disease in the United States? Private veterinarians may be asked to collect samples for surveillance during an outbreak.

What is a reportable animal disease?

A reportable animal disease is one that, by law, must be reported to state animal health officials.

Is CAE a reportable disease?

Starting January 1, 2016 Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) will be reportable statewide under the Communicable Disease Rules, Chapter 4605.

Which three diseases are disease problems in cervids in the United States and are part of a control eradication program?

Which three diseases are disease problems in cervids in the United States and are part of a control/eradication program? Brucellosis, Tuberculosis, Chronic Wasting Disease. These three diseases in cervids are a concern in the United States.

What is the governmental agency responsible for veterinary accreditation?

USDA APHIS | National Veterinary Accreditation Program.

What diseases are reported to the CDC?

Nationally Notifiable Diseases

  • Cholera.
  • Cryptosporidiosis.
  • Cyclosporiasis.
  • Giardiasis.
  • Hepatitis A.
  • Legionellosis.
  • Malaria*
  • Salmonellosis.

Is Michigan brucellosis free?

There are no bovine tuberculosis or brucellosis testing requirements or brucellosis vaccination requirements for bison and cattle being imported into Michigan from states or areas officially designated as tuberculosis accredited free and brucellosis class free by USDA.