What does it mean when white stuff is coming?

Milky white discharge is a typical part of the menstrual cycle. According to Planned Parenthood, before ovulation occurs, a female’s discharge can be white and cloudy. At this time, it can also feel sticky or tacky. However, white discharge may also signal a vaginal infection or pregnancy.

Why is there white discharge before puberty?

About 6 months to 1 year before a girl gets her first period, her body may start to make vaginal discharge. This is normal and due to changing hormone levels. The discharge helps keep the vagina healthy. Normal vaginal discharge can have a texture that’s anywhere from thin and slightly sticky to thick and gooey.

Is it normal to have white stuff inside your vag?

A bit of white discharge, especially at the beginning or end of your menstrual cycle, is normal. However, if the discharge is accompanied by itching and has a thick, cottage cheese-like consistency or appearance, it’s not normal and needs treatment. This type of discharge may be a sign of a yeast infection.

Why am I creamy down there?

In the middle of your cycle, during ovulation, your discharge may feel slippery or thinner. Then during the second part of the menstrual cycle, after ovulation, you may notice creamy, white discharge. Healthy vaginal discharge during this time is typically white, creamy, milky, or cloudy and is sometimes thick.

Can 12 year olds have discharge?

Vaginal Discharge This is a thin, clear, transparent, or whitish fluid that your child may notice in the lining of her underwear. This comes from the reproductive system and vagina and helps to prevent infection, and keep the vagina moisturized and healthy. This is completely normal and natural during puberty.

At what age does white discharge start?

But it can be as early as age 8 or as late as 15. Talk to your doctor if your period started before age 8 or you are 15 and haven’t started your period. A good sign you’re getting close to the time when your first period will arrive is if you notice a discharge coming from your vagina.

Is it normal for a 13 year old to have discharge everyday?

Vaginal Discharge This comes from the reproductive system and vagina and helps to prevent infection, and keep the vagina moisturized and healthy. This is completely normal and natural during puberty.

What is the white stuff down there?

Smegma is a naturally occurring substance found on the genitals of both men and women. It is the result of a buildup of skin cells, oil secretions, and moisture. If left to build up, smegma can become smelly or lead to an infection. As a result, people should regularly clean the parts of the body where smegma occurs.

What is the white gooey stuff that comes out of a girl?

Vaginal discharge is a clear or whitish fluid that comes out of the vagina. Discharge is normal, but changes in the amount, consistency, color, or smell could indicate an infection or other problem.

How can I get rid of white discharge?

Consuming fenugreek seeds boiled in water can solve the problem of white discharge. You can boil fenugreek seeds in 500 ml of water until the water is reduced to half. Then drink this water when it cools down.