What is the new spider in Ireland?

the Noble false widow
Some 23 years after being first spotted in Ireland, the Noble false widow is now established in almost every county on the island. In east coastal counties such as Dublin, they are one of the most common urban spiders.

What is the biggest spider in Ireland?

Ireland’s largest spider, the Raft Spider, lives within our bogs and fens. The female (remember female spiders are larger than male spiders) spider’s body measures up to 22 millimetres long and leg span up to about 70 millimetres.

Is there any poisonous spiders in Ireland?

Cited as Ireland’s most venomous spider the false widow already has a bad reputation . The species, also known as Steatoda nobilis, usually has an overall size of 20mm and is characterised by a dark brown colour and a bulbous abdomen.

What spiders can be found in Ireland?

Spiders in Ireland

  • Amaurobius fenestralis. (Window Lace-weaver)
  • Amaurobius ferox. (Black Lace-Weaver)
  • Araneus diadematus. (Cross Orb-weaver)
  • Enoplognatha ovata. (Candy-striped Spider)
  • Harpactea hombergi. (Stripe-legged Spider)
  • Meta menardi. (European Cave Spider)
  • Misumena vatia. (Golden-rod Crab Spider)
  • Nuctenea umbratica.

Should I remove false widow spider?

‘Aside from their key role in feeding on pest insect species, their silk is being developed to make specialist clothing such as bullet-proof vests and their venom can be used in pain relief. ‘So next time you find an unwanted spider in your house, please don’t kill it!

Do wolf spiders live in Ireland?

If there is one type of creature that instils completely unwarranted fear into large numbers of people here in Ireland it has to be spiders. Such fear is completely unfounded, as none of the spider species found in Ireland are capable of harming humans in any way.

Are tarantulas in Ireland?

Arachnid groups absent from Ireland include true scorpions, whip scorpions, solifuges, cave spiders, microwhip scorpions, hooded tick spiders and tarantulas.

Are zebra spiders in Ireland?

The species is common throughout Ireland and can be found patrolling the walls of houses and gardens on sunny days throughout the summer months and well into the autumn. This diminutive hunter belongs to a large family of spiders known as jumping spiders.