How does drill work in the National Guard?

Typically, National Guard Soldiers are required to attend one drill weekend each month and one annual training period (usually 2 weeks in the summer) each year. Weekend drills usually consist of one Saturday and Sunday each month.

Does National Guard have drill?

Drill Pay is part of the total compensation available to National Guard and Reserve Soldiers performing drilling and other training duties. A drill period is defined as four (4) hours.

What happens if you don’t go to drill in the National Guard?

Air Force Reserves and National Guard Entry Level airmen who refuse to participate in a weekend drill or refuse orders to IADT are almost always discharged. Most such discharges are characterized as entry level. However, Reservists who go AWOL during IADT are processed the same as active duty members.

How often does the National Guard do drill?

Army National Guard members are required to attend one drill weekend each month and one two-week annual training period each year (usually during the summer). Weekend drills are usually scheduled over a Saturday and Sunday each month, but can occasionally include reporting for duty on Friday night.

What are drill weekends like?

A drill weekend normally consists of eight hours of training on Saturday and eight hours of training on Sunday. Sometimes it can be longer and sometimes it can be less. This is when the Soldiers assemble to conduct the scheduled unit training.

Where do you sleep during drill weekend?

During drill weekends we often stay at the armory, in barracks, or in the field. Yes, you can sleep on a cot to save gas and prevent from spending money on a hotel.

What are National Guard drill weekends like?

What do you do during drill weekends?

What Do You Do During Drill Weekend?

  • Physical Fitness Training.
  • PMCS & Unit Maintenance.
  • Weapons Ranges.
  • Inspections.
  • Inventories.
  • Convoys.
  • Update Personnel Records.
  • Mandatory Briefings.

How do National Guard drill weekends work?

Drill weekends occur one weekend out of every month during the year. Specifically, they are conducted on a Saturday and Sunday. For most units, the drill weekend will be followed by an “off Monday”. Drills at most units start around 0730 and conclude at 1630 in the afternoon.

What time does National Guard drill start?

Drills at most units start around 0730 and conclude at 1630 in the afternoon. These are important events—it is the one time each month when everyone in the unit, including the part-time Drill Status Guardsmen (DSG), will be together and train.

Do you stay on base during drill weekend?

During drill weekends we often stay at the armory, in barracks, or in the field.