Is a Navy Commendation Medal a big deal?
Is a Navy Commendation Medal a big deal?
Although the Commendation Medal isn’t uncommon in today’s military service, it’s a great achievement all the same. Service members who display acts of heroism or meritorious achievements while performing their duties should be recognized for their contribution to their unit and the nation.
Are Navy medals worth anything?
A medal, especially one that has been in your family for generations or was given to you by a person you care for, can be priceless. Therefore, this value cannot be measured in terms of money.
What are the Navy medals?
NAVY CROSS. (Navy-Marine Corps-Coast Guard) For extraordinary heroism in connection with military operation against an opposing armed force.
Who gets a Navy Commendation Medal?
The Navy and Marine Corps Commendation medal may be awarded to any person who, while serving in any capacity with the Navy or Marine Corps (including foreign military personnel), distinguishes himself/herself by heroic or meritorious achievement or service.
What are the requirements for Navy Commendation Medal?
The Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal may be awarded to service members who, while serving in any capacity with the Navy or Marine Corps, distinguish themselves by heroism, outstanding achievement or meritorious service (but not of sufficient nature to warrant a higher decoration).
Do you have to salute a Medal of Honor recipient?
Although not required by law or military regulation, members of the uniformed services are encouraged to render salutes to recipients of the Medal of Honor as a matter of respect and courtesy regardless of rank or status, whether or not they are in uniform.
How do you find out what Navy ribbons I have?
Step 1 – Check to see that the award has been entered into the Navy Department Awards Web Service (NDAWS) by logging onto BOL. Once on BOL, click on Navy Personnel Command Documents Services. Once this page opens, select “NDAWS” from the left side of the screen. Click on “Search Awards”.
What qualifies as a service medal veteran?
An “Armed forces service medal veteran” means a veteran who, while serving on active duty in the U.S. military, ground, naval or air service, participated in a United States military operation for which an Armed Forces service medal was awarded pursuant to Executive Order 12985.
How do you get military service medals?
Requests for replacement medals should be submitted on Standard Form 180, “Request Pertaining to Military Records,” which may be obtained at VA offices or the Internet at