What is a componeer?
What is a componeer?
COMPONEER is an innovative and easy-to-use system for restoring anterior teeth. COMPONEER are polymerised, prefabricated nano-hybrid-composite enamel shells that combine the advantages of direct composite restorations with the advantages of prefabricated veneers.
What is a piezo scaler?
Piezo ultrasonic scalers allow plaque and tarter to be removed quickly and easily from the tooth surface without as much “scraping” of the tooth with a metal scaler. It allows more comfort for the patient during their cleaning appointment.
What is another name for ultrasonic scaler?
Since the removal of plaque and calculus helps eliminate harmful bacteria beneath the gum line, cleaning with an ultrasonic scaler (sometimes called “root debridement”) is a primary means for preventing gum disease.
What is a scaler device?
An ultrasonic scaler is a device that uses ultrasonic vibrations to clean teeth and remove plaque. The device is a common tool in dentistry but it can also be used for other purposes, such as cleaning contact lenses or removing paint from walls.
How thick is a Componeer?
They are extremely thin (up to 0.3 mm), which allows natural tooth structure to be conserved during preparation.
What is Componeer veneer?
Unlike porcelain veneers, Componeers can be bonded directly onto the teeth, meaning treatment takes just one session. Componeers are made from nano-hybrid composite and are placed directly onto the tooth enamel to create a beautiful new aesthetic.
Which is better piezo or cavitron?
Both piezo and magnetostrictive (eg. Cavitron) can be effective if used correctly. The Cavitron has more active surfaces and so is somewhat less technique sensitive when it comes to calculus removal. BUT it is more technique sensitive when it comes to minimizing root damage.
What is the difference between a cavitron and piezo?
Magnetostrictive products, such as Dentsply’s Cavitron, have a linear or elliptical movement where all surfaces and sides are active. Whereas, with the Piezo scalers the tip movement is linear with just two sides being active.
What are the types of ultrasonic scalers?
Ultrasonic scalers are categorized in three types. Sonic, magnetostrictive, or piezoelectric. Sonic scalers operate at 3,000 to 8,000 cycles/second via compressed air to cause vibration. Magnetostrictive scalers operate at 18,000 to 45,000 cycles/second with electrical current passing over a stack of metal strips.
What are the four types of ultrasonic scaler tips?
Most of the scaling power is available at the tip, which is cooled with a jet of water. There are three basic types – magnetostrictive, piezo-electric and Odontoson™.
How does a scaler work?
Ultrasonic scalers use ultrasound to remove calculus deposits from your teeth more effectively. They work mechanically using high vibrational energy that effectively blasts calculus, so it is easier to remove.
Can ultrasonic cleaning damage teeth?
Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that ultrasonic scaling can cause further damage to teeth with enamel cracks, early caries and resin restorations. Therefore, accurate identification of tooth conditions and calculus before the initiation of ultrasonic scaling is necessary to minimize damage.