Is Snorlax good competitively?

The sleeping giant has returned in Pokemon Sword and Shield. Snorlax has retained its status as one of the best tanks in the game. With base 160 HP, it’s just about impossible to knock out Snorlax in one hit. The Pokemons’ defensive capabilities become overwhelming with Dynamax, where its HP gets doubled.

Why is Snorlax so good in GSC?

The combination of Rest and Sleep Talk provides Snorlax with greater ability to sponge the myriad special attacks in GSC OU, including those from Zapdos, one of the tier’s premier threats.

Is Snorlax good in Pokémon Red?

Snorlax is one of the most popular Pokemon to ever grace the franchise. Part of the original 151, this hulking monster got its start in Pokemon Red and Blue. Possessing one of the most unique movesets in any game, Snorlax is a great addition to any team.

What EV should I give Snorlax?

Gigantamax Snorlax Moveset & Best Build

Nature Impish (+Def, -Sp. Atk)
EV Spread Hp 244 / Atk 132 / Defense 128 / Sp. Def 130 / Spd 50
Final Stat Values HP 266 / Atk 132 / Def 128 / Sp.Def 130 / Spd 50
Ability Gluttony
Held Item Figy Berry or Custap Berry

What is the best build for Snorlax?

Yawn + Flail Build This build is great for both maximizing Snorlax’s crowd control capabilities and offensive qualities as you’ll be able to up your basic attack damage, as well as put enemies to sleep.

Why Snorlax is the best Pokémon?

Snorlax is also one of the most trustworthy answers to Victini, one of the biggest threats in the metagame. With its good base 110 Attack stat, it can keep offensive pressure with ease, be it with a Choice Band or by setting up with its old Curse set.

Is Belly Drum a good move Snorlax?

Snorlax can effectively use Belly Drum at any point in a game—it can come out and boost early on, which forces your opponent to focus on KOing Snorlax while leaving its teammates unchecked.

Is recycle good on Snorlax?

It’s usually best to use Recycle right after Snorlax consumes its Figy Berry so that Snorlax can have a safety net in case it’s forced out or sustains a critical hit during setup. Avoid taking Knock Offs from Pokemon such as Mandibuzz, as a Figy Berry lost that way cannot be restored.

Should you summon red and Snorlax?

If you’ve got the Sync Pairs for Red & Snorlax to boost, then they can tip the scales through their ceiling-breaking buff and high bulk. If you just want something bulky as heck to help with high-damage stages, then they can do the job just fine. Or, heck, if you just like Red and/or Snorlax, then that’s great too!

Is Snorlax the best Pokémon?

A defensive behemoth since day 1, Snorlax remains one of the best Pokemon to frustrate players of opposing teams by lazing atop a gym. Power creep has somewhat tamed Snorlax, who now especially fears Fighting-types such as Conkeldurr and Lucario.

What is Snorlax best Moveset?

Best moveset for Snorlax The best moves for Snorlax are Lick and Hyper Beam when attacking Pokémon in Gyms. This move combination has the highest total DPS and is also the best moveset for PVP battles.

What tier is Snorlax?


Type Normal Immune to: Ghost Weak to: Fighting
Tier NU