What is infrastructure in simple words?
What is infrastructure in simple words?
Definition of infrastructure 1 : the system of public works of a country, state, or region also : the resources (such as personnel, buildings, or equipment) required for an activity. 2 : the underlying foundation or basic framework (as of a system or organization)
What is the base word of infrastructure?
The Latin roots of infrastructure mean simply “underneath or below the structure.” This word was in fact never used by Romans; it was coined in French from Latin parts in the late 1800s, initially used (unsurprisingly) to refer to the substructure or foundation of a building, road, or railroad bed.
What is the antonym of infrastructure?
“Disorganization of the workplace resulted in poor performance and a lack of concern for ergonomic aspects and issues related to labor conditions.”…What is the opposite of infrastructure?
branch | division |
unit | offshoot |
field |
What is a business infrastructure?
Business infrastructure are the basic facilities, structures and services upon which the rest of a business is built. It is common to think of infrastructure as physical things but basic software and services can also be considered infrastructure.
Is infrastructure a compound word?
Roads, bridges, and school buildings are part of our nation’s infrastructure, and are necessary for the continued growth of our communities. This word was formed as a compound in English, using the prefix infra- “below, underneath.”
What are two types of infrastructure?
Two main categories of infrastructure are hard and soft infrastructure. Soft infrastructures are the institutions that make up an economy, like healthcare systems, law enforcement, financial institutions and educational systems.
What is the synonym of construction?
building, erection, putting up, setting up, raising, establishment, assembly, manufacture, fabrication, forming, fashioning, contriving, creation, making.
What is organizational infrastructure?
Organizational infrastructure consists of the systems, protocols, and processes that give structure to the organization, support its key functions, and embed routine practice.