What is an example of co-regulation?

Examples of co-regulating parent behaviors/caregiver-guided dyadic regulation: Prompting/helping: Mother physically or vocally prompts and scaffolds child (e.g., physical prompting with toy if child becomes frustrated)

What are some co-regulation strategies?

3 co-regulation techniques to facilitate a sense of calm

  • Cultivate physiological calmness. According to Dr.
  • Change the thoughts. “Once the person has calmed down physiologically, as a co-regulator, you can help them learn to use their ‘veto power’ over their thoughts,” Dr.
  • Be patient and understanding.

What is co-regulation emotion?

The process through which children develop the ability to soothe and manage distressing emotions and sensations from the beginning of life through connection with nurturing and reliable primary caregivers.

What are two results of effective co-regulation?

Effective co-regulation, including the presence of a supportive caregiver in a calm environment, can provide safety and stability for these children, youth, and young adults, creating a space where they can begin to learn and enact self- regulatory skills.

What is co-regulation in middle childhood?

Co-regulation is defined as warm and responsive interactions that provide the support, coaching, and modeling children need to “understand, express, and modulate their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors” (Murray et al.

What is co regulated learning?

In contrast, co-regulated learning refers to a transitional process in which a learner is assisted in acquiring aspects of self-regulation within Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development, in which a learner can construct new understanding with scaffolded supports (Hadwin and Oshige 2011. Oshige.

How can co regulate students?

Students may need help describing their own feelings, which teachers can nurture through regular discussion and identification of emotions in the classroom (e.g., feelings chart, emotion check-ins). Self-soothing is an important strategy for co-regulation and can help teach students how to relieve their own distress.

What is co-regulation vs self-regulation?

Beginning at birth, parents support self-regulation When babies are born, they have little ability to self-regulate; however, from infancy, parents and other primary caregivers help children learn through a process called co-regulation, explains Costa.

What are co-regulation activities?

How do you co regulate with children?

Pay attention and respond to each child’s individual cues, and ask parents how they observe their children communicating needs. Talk to children during the daily routines and experiences of each day, and describe to them what you are doing and how they are responding.

What is co-regulation and self-regulation?

What is the difference between co-regulation and self-regulation?

Self-regulation is learned over the course of one’s development, and is best honed through co-regulation with a caregiver. Healthy co-regulation is also a feature of secure attachment relationships (you can read more about attachment here).