What is the difference between rBGH and rBST?

rBST stands for recombinant bovine somatotropin. Somatotropin is the specific name of the growth hormone secreted by the pituitary gland—it’s the same thing as rBGH, just labeled with a few different letters.

How is BGH different from rBGH?

Bovine growth hormone (BGH), also known as bovine somatotropin (BST) is the natural form of this hormone in cattle. Recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) or recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST) refers to bovine growth hormone that is made in a lab using genetic technology.

Why is rBGH banned?

The Canadian federal health agency actually found that “the risk of clinical lameness was increased approximately 50 percent” in cows that were given rBGH. Partly as a result, Canada has banned the product, concluding that it “presents a sufficient and unacceptable threat to the safety of dairy cows.”

Is rBGH a GMO?

At a Glance. Recombinant somatotropin, rBST (previously called bovine growth hormone), is a genetically engineered hormone injected into dairy cows to increase milk production.

Does organic milk contain rBGH?

The BGH used for treatment is a synthetic chemical called recombinant BGH, or rBGH, developed by Monsanto, a company based in Missouri. In 1993 the Food and Drug Administration approved the use of rBGH, or rBST, in dairy cows. Organic milk and milk with no added hormones come from cows that are not treated with rBGH.

Why is rBGH banned in Europe?

European bans of the product were based on fear of potential health risks rBST posed to humans, including cancer, and animals, according to contemporary reports.

Do dairy farmers still use rBST?

Kim O’Brien, director of corporate communications for Dairy Farmers of America, the nation’s largest dairy cooperative, confirmed that “none of DFA’s farm family-owners are currently using rBST.”

Is milk a rBST?

The synthetic hormone rBST is found in items that use milk in their formation, such as the dairy products cheese, ice cream, butter and yogurt.

Who created rBST?

Four large pharmaceutical companies, Monsanto, American Cyanamid, Eli Lilly, and Upjohn, developed commercial rBST products and submitted them to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for approval.