What are exceptions in Java interview questions?

Q1. What Is an Exception?

  • Q1.
  • An exception is an abnormal event that occurs during the execution of a program and disrupts the normal flow of the program’s instructions.
  • The throws keyword is used to specify that a method may raise an exception during its execution.
  • By using a try-catch-finally statement:

What is exception handling interview questions?

Exception Handling Interview Questions and Answers

  • What do you mean by an exception?
  • Explain how exceptions can be handled in Java.
  • Is it possible to keep other statements in between ‘try’, ‘catch’, and ‘finally’ blocks?
  • Will it be possible to only include a ‘try’ block without the ‘catch’ and ‘finally’ blocks?

What are exceptions in Java what kind of exceptions have you faced how did you handle them?

Checked exceptions are error scenarios that require being handled in the code, or else, you will get a compile-time error. For example, if you use FileReader to read a file, it throws the FileNotFoundException and we must catch it in the try-catch block or throw it again to the caller method.

Can we write try without catch?

Yes, It is possible to have a try block without a catch block by using a final block. As we know, a final block will always execute even there is an exception occurred in a try block, except System. exit() it will execute always.

Is catch block mandatory with try in Java?

Please note that only try block is mandatory while catch and finally blocks are optional.

Can we have an empty catch block?

Yes, we can have an empty catch block. But this is a bad practice to implement in Java. Generally, the try block has the code which is capable of producing exceptions, if anything wrong in the try block, for instance, divide by zero, file not found, etc. It will generate an exception that is caught by the catch block.

Why are pointers not used in Java?

Java do not use pointers because using pointer the memory area can be directly accessed, which is a security issue. pointers need so memory spaces at the runtime. to reduce the usage of memory spaces java does not support pointers.

Is finally block mandatory in Java?

It is not mandatory to include a finally block at all, but if you do, it will run regardless of whether an exception was thrown and handled by the try and catch parts of the block. System.

When finally block is not executed?

A finally block will not execute due to other conditions like when JVM runs out of memory when our java process is killed forcefully from task manager or console when our machine shuts down due to power failure and deadlock condition in our try block.

Can we use finally without catch in Java?

Yes, it is not mandatory to use catch block with finally. You can have to try and finally.

How can you handle exceptions in Java?

Hierarchy of Java Exception classes. The java.lang.Throwable class is the root class of Java Exception hierarchy inherited by two subclasses: Exception and Error.

  • Difference between Checked and Unchecked Exceptions.
  • Java Exception Keywords.
  • Java Exception Handling Example.
  • Common Scenarios of Java Exceptions.
  • How to handle exception in Java?

    Try: Program statements that can raise the exception should be kept within a try block.

  • Catch: If any exception occurs in the try block,it will be thrown.
  • Throw: System- generated exceptions are automatically thrown by JVM.
  • Throws: Any exception which has been thrown out of a method should be specified by a throws clause.
  • How the exceptions are handled in Java?

    The FileInputStream (File filename) constructor throws the FileNotFoundException that is checked exception.

  • The read () method of the FileInputStream class throws the IOException.
  • The close () method also throws the IOException.
  • Why do you need to create exception in Java?

    Create a new class whose name should end with Exception like ClassNameException. This is a convention to differentiate an exception class from regular ones.

  • Make the class extends one of the exceptions which are subtypes of the java.lang.Exception class.
  • Create a constructor with a String parameter which is the detail message of the exception.