Is Delta Chi a sorority?

Delta Chi (ΔΧ) (del-ta kai) or D-Chi is an international Greek letter college social fraternity formed on October 13, 1890, at Cornell University, initially as a professional fraternity for law students.

When did Delta Chi become a general fraternity?

Delta Chi was nationally founded in 1890 by eleven law students at Cornell University who initially intended to form a Law Fraternity. In 1922, the Fraternity officially went “general,” and thus opened up its membership to men in all areas of study.

What percent of Alabama is in Greek life?

35 percent
Fraternity and Sorority Life. The fraternity and sorority community at The University of Alabama is one of the largest and most vibrant in the United States. With over 11,000 students, the UA Greek community comprises 35 percent of the undergraduate student body and is home to 68 social Greek-letter organizations.

How many chapters of Delta Chi are there?

Delta Chi (ΔΧ) now has 137 chapters and 8 colonies across North America.

What happened to Delta Chi MSU?

Most recently, in 2018, Delta Chi had its charter revoked after an investigation found they had violated six policies of improper activities during their rush week in 2017. While many fraternities have a checkered past at MSU, many times these same fraternities have been praised for their philanthropic work.

What does Delta Chi mean?

Delta Chi (ΔΧ) is an international Greek letter collegiate social fraternity formed on October 13, 1890, at Cornell University, initially as a professional fraternity for law students.

What is Delta Upsilon philanthropy?

GSI engages chapters of Delta Upsilon in both philanthropic fundraising and active service to the global community. All DU chapters are expected to fundraise at least $1,000 for GSI each academic year, and the money raised is used to help fund the expenses associated with the GSI program.

How much does it cost to rush at Alabama?

At the University of Alabama, the average new member fees run between $4,170 and $4,978 per semester. Members who live in the sorority house typically pay between $7,465 and $9,445.

What University has the largest Greek life?

The University of Alabama
Hicks Scholarship Fund. Beginning in the Fall of 2011, The University of Alabama has held the title of having the largest Greek community membership total in the United States.

What are Delta Chis colors?

Delta Chi
Colors Red Buff
Symbol The Knight, Martlets
Flower White Carnation

What is global service initiative?

What is Global Service Initiative? Global Service Initiative, or GSI for short, is the primary non-profit organization that all 80 Delta Upsilon chapters across the world raise money and awareness for.