What does Foucault say about resistance?
What does Foucault say about resistance?
Roos even quotes Foucault to this effect: “resistance comes first, and resistance remains superior to the forces of the process; power relations are obliged to change with the resistance.” Because of the “strictly relational character” of power-knowledge, it demands at least its own opposite (“a multiplicity of points …
What is Foucault theory of power?
He argues that power is immanent in all social relations and that all social relations are relations of power, whether in family or in the hierarchies of government and others social institutions. Foucault’s originality lies in discerning the underlining structures of power that informed “neutral” scientific inquiries.
What is the relationship between resistance and power?
In P = I2 R, Power is directly proportional to Resistance ( Current Constant throughout the circuit ). In P = V2 / R, Power is inversely proportional to Resistance ( Potential difference constant throughout the circuit ).
Who said where there is power there is resistance?
Michel Foucault
Quote by Michel Foucault: “Where there is power, there is resistance.”
Does higher resistance mean more power?
When power is high, resistance will be low. When power is low, the resistance will be high.
What happens to power if you increase resistance?
The power dissipated in a resistor is given by P = V2/R which means power decreases if resistance increases. Yet this power is also given by P = I2R, which means power increases if resistance increases.
Where there is resistance there is power Foucault?
Since resistance cannot manage without power. As stated in his book History of Sexuality, Foucault writes “Where there is power, there is resistance and yet, or rather consequently, this resistance is never in a position of exteriority in relation to power” (Foucault,1978, p. 95).