How much does a Hearthstone pack cost?


Packs USD
2 $2.99 ($1.495 per pack, $0.299 per card)
7 $9.99 ($1.427 per pack, $0.285 per card)
15 $19.99 ($1.333 per pack, $0.267 per card)
40 $49.99 ($1.250 per pack, $0.250 per card)

What are standard Hearthstone packs?

Standard packs contain cards from only current Standard format card sets. Each pack contains 5 cards, with at least one Rare card or better. You can craft Standard cards in-game using Arcane Dust.

What is the next Hearthstone expansion 2022?

Voyage to The Sunken City Comes To Hearthstone Gamers will have to brave this danger so that they can collect the 135 new cards being added to Hearthstone next month. That’s because Blizzard has also confirmed the release date for the next Hearthstone expansion as April 12, 2022.

How do you get HS cards?

Luckily, players only need to get to level 10 in a class to get all Core set cards for that class. A total of 60 levels spread among classes will unlock neutral cards from the set. After that, it’s up to the player to obtain card packs from recent sets and open them for cards.

Which expansions will rotate out Hearthstone?

In just a few weeks, all cards from 2020 expansions – Ashes of Outland, Scholomance Academy, and Madness at the Darkmoon Faire (+Darkmoon Races mini-set) will rotate out to Wild. That’s a total of 440 cards out of the picture.

Is sunken city out?

Hearthstone’s Voyage to the Sunken City is scheduled to release on Tuesday, April 12.

How do you get free Legendaries in Hearthstone?

To get started, head over to Prime Gaming’s Hearthstone section and press the “Claim now” button. After following the simple prompts, the random Hearthstone Legendary will be available in-game.